Pre-Pharm majors or friends of Pre-Pharm majors!

<p>What did it take for you to get in?</p>

<p>Well, my cousin was telling me about how selective the actual professional program is at Purdue for pharmacy. However, Pre-Pharmacy isn’t as bad. You just need to have a solid GPA, something like 3.6 or higher unweighted and have a strong foundation in math and science. 2-3 years of foreign language doesn’t hurt either and involvement is a big deal. This girl from my school is pre-pharm at Purdue, and she was number 5 or something in her class.</p>

<p>But once you’re looking to getting into the professional program, you need to have a really good GPA like 3.5 at least. And be really involved on campus as well as interview well. My cousin has friends who couldn’t get into the professional program, so they just took their MCATs and went to medical school instead.</p>