changing my major to pre-pharmacy?

<p>Hey. I got accepted to Purdue and the major that I applied to is economics in the school of management. But now I've changed my mind and I really wanna study in the phamacy program there. I've contacted a director in Purdue about switching my major and she told me that I can change my major to pre-pharmacy if I perform well academically in the first semester.
However I'm just not sure about how good is that to "performe well academically" because I heard the pharmacy program in Purdue is very rigorous. So could that be very tough to change my major or do I need to get like lots of As to get into the pre-pharmacy? I'm really worried about that.
Thank you guys :)</p>

<p>the pre-pharmacy program is very competitive here. they really want you to be well round and involved on campus as well as make very solid grades. many people drop out of the program or switch majors, which is probably why she told you to wait a year to make sure you’re up to it.</p>

<p>thank you. i saw the requirements on purdue’s website which says I need a GPA over 2.75 to CODO to pre-pharm. hope it’s not gonna be very hard ^ ^</p>