Prefer to vs. Prefer over

<p>This came up in this thread Four</a> M-H difficulty writing questions for experts. - College Confidential
Which one is grammatically correct? I personally would go for but it seems like prefer...over is generally accepted also? Does anyone know for sure? I would also appreciate anyone's input.
P.S. Can anyone find/send me the answer key to the 2009 PSAT Form S? Also, where can I find past PSAT's and QAS's with answer keys? I can also buy them if I have to.</p>


<p>A quick search returned that both are accepted, although prefer to appears to a more formal use. But when I did a New York Times search prefer over came up numerous times. So to answer your question, I don’t think it matters. I also think it would be rather pedantic of ETS to write a question with prefer to/over because most of the questions are subject verb agreement, pronoun case errors etc. But then again it is somewhat idiomatic like. Sorry for the drawn out post, I hope this helps.</p>

<p><a href=“The New York Times - Search”>The New York Times - Search;