Premed - UM, FSU, or USF?

<p>Also, I didn’t get any scholarships. So does that mean I would be able to handle these “tough” classes equally well as others who did get a scholarship?</p>

<p>My competition in the pre-health subjects I take will be with students from the HPME program or the PRISM program. So logically speaking, it would become tougher for me to me to score high… correct?</p>

<p>I’m just really confused. I really want to go Miami, but not if I won’t be able to stand out. Thanks</p>

<p>How tough are the pre-med courses at UM? How difficult is it to maintain a 3.75 GPA? And do students with pre-med courses get enough time to study for the MCAT, for the tests, and do research? Are the professor’s fantastic or just good? Like do they expect a lot from their students??</p>

<p>As a UM Pre-med alum I would have to agree with Califa regarding the cost and Orgo. The Pre-med courses get progressively harder. From all the Pre-med professors I had I really can’t remember one I liked, all were hard. However if your in the HPME or prism program you have the option of choosing smaller classes and sometimes better professors. UM is extremely expensive however the UM Medical school gives a +1 to all UM undegrad applicants but at the end of the day it’s the $$$ that matters. You don’t want to be in to much debt before medical school.</p>