Premed - UM, FSU, or USF?

<p>I got accepted to all the three universities for pre-med. How do I choose which one is the best? Which program is easier? What are the perks of going to UM over the other two?
Any response is appreciated!
Thanks :)</p>

<p>How have you been accepted already…? UM’s decisions don’t come out until about April 1 and FSU’s interviews don’t even occur until April 12. Are you talking about the 7/8 year programs or just a pre-med major?</p>

<p>^Probably applied EA… And Miami’s RD decisions have been rolling in for the past couple of weeks now.</p>

<p>No, the actual program. The PPSP program at UM and the Honors Medical Scholars Program at FSU. I also applied EA to both schools. The programs are completely separate- different application, different interview, different notification date, etc. I’m assuming paduap just meant they were accepted with a pre-med major.</p>

<p>*Pre-med track, not major. Pre-med is just a certain set of classes that you take on top of your current major. I’m assuming that is, in fact, what she’s talking about, since most people who are talking about the honors programs would say that, while most people on the pre-med track usually say pre-med.</p>

<p>Ahh, okay. Thanks for the clarification, Marinebio! Haha.</p>

<p>Not a problem! And HUGE congrats on the Stamps invite!!!</p>

<p>Haha, why thank you! You’re a Stamps scholar, aren’t you?</p>

<p>Nope, alas I am a mere Singer :stuck_out_tongue: But I found outside scholarships that are paying for most of my room and board, so although Stamps would’ve been nice, I am extremely happy with the Singer.</p>

<p>Paduap. First money. Miami is the most expensive, however they have great opportunities for undergrad research (and nowadays you need that in pre-med) and a great med school if you get accepted. The other two are also good schools but not as known in pre-med as UM. Do not go somewhere because is easy. Less prestigious schools will also count against u at the time of selection for med school and your MCAT will be less competitive.</p>

<p>@wegotin: UM actually is really expensive. That’s why I was contemplating between those three universities. And it’s true that Miami has the best research opportunities. It comes in the top-20 for the best pre-med program. But I’ve heard that medical schools don’t look at the university you’re applying from. Rather, they focus on your research work, MCAT, and GPA. I really do want to go to Miami but is all the money we’re paying them worth going there? That’s why I wanted to know the benefits of going there over the other two universities.</p>

<p>FSU has a very good reputation, better than USF. If money is of concerned I say go for FSU. No need to accumulate debt for years of medical studies. You still have grad school to worry about and books. Medical books are very expensive. You can then apply to UMiami. They also look for a student that has done something usual like travel to other countries to help communities in need, so think of including something that set you apart of the pack when applying to grad school. Good luck.</p>

<p>OP, Excellent advice from everyone. </p>

<p>BTW, UM gives out generous finical aid and scholarships. So check your FinicalAid link at UM</p>

<p>Choose Miami!</p>

<p>^ WHY??
i want to but i’m not sure i’m choosing it for the right reasons!</p>

<p>Wait until you see if you get scholarships from any of them and then decide. As others have posted, UM is expensive and you don’t want to go into debt for undergrad when medical school is so expensive.</p>

<p>There are some drawbacks to UM besides cost. The premed advising is not very good, and the weedout hard science classes are brutal. On ratemyprofessor it says that Orgo is set up so that 40% of students have to retake Orgo.</p>

<p>There are opportunities for undergrad research and internships everywhere, and also good summer programs, like doing a summer abroad helping in a developing country would look good. And MCAT scores depend on your studying for it at least as much as on the classes you’ve taken. </p>

<p>Wait to hear about financial aid that doesn’t involve loans and then decide. Good luck!</p>

<p>Okay, so if I should choose between FSU and UM, why shouldn’t I choose UM?! STILL CONFUSEDDDD!!!
How is FSU’s pre-med?</p>

How is FSU’s pre-med when compared to UM’s? And professors at FSU?</p>

<p>Look UM has what is called a pre- health track. It is like pre- med but they put you with special counsellors that help you track your progress and explain what is needed to get into any of the different medical profession: medicine, dentistry, podiatry, nursing, etc. They set you up with professionals in your area to shadow. My friend’s daughter was set up as soon as freshman year with a doctor to shadow. Regarding Rigor: the pre- health has some difficult classes like Orgo Chem. Orgo it is a difficult but not impossible class, and it depends on the background of each student. Most Orgo classes in good universities are challenging and UM is a more difficult college than many people think.</p>

<p>Does the ranking listed on USnews decide how difficult the university is? Because UM is ranked 42nd, which isn’t that high!</p>