Prep school reputations.

<p>Hey, sorry to have left my fuzzy comment adrift in the CC sea of discussion there. Senioritis pretty much quoted into clarity my statement, I think. If need be I can get more quotes from current issues of the Exonian (type or scan them or something).</p>

<p>There's the money to make it happen so hopefully they'll stay on track. Although it merits mentioning that SPS has a higher per-student endowment, and they haven't made such efforts. humph.</p>

<p>The Exeter Initiatives are better now that they're quieter and behind the scenes more--at the "official launch" (which was launched after the real launch, because of the US economy and other things (?)) they decided to try to exploit the student body to boost fundraising.</p>

<p>fyi, on the FA--I hear it can be obnoxiously loan-centric sometimes. but, still better than nothing, of course!!</p>

<p>qxcvz, SPS is definately need-blind. Correct?</p>

<p>prep parent - around ten kids</p>

<p>Taiwaneseterror, thanks for the info. I guess it must as come to a surprise to lose 10 students all at once. Again, I believe all bs have experienced such issues, and I guess The Hill is no exception. Good Luck to you in the upcoming year.</p>

<p>prepp--hmm, seems like you might be right. I found the wording on their website which threw me off-- "need-blind ... packages" and so I wasn't sure if that was a riding policy or just circumstantial. Delving into something else praising their alumni (ha, ha) it seems to lean towards their being need-blind, yeah. My mistake! They do offer merit aid, too, so I don't know what wrench got me off track there.</p>

<p>poor sps, what bad storm damage.</p>

<p>Taiwan, wow...I need to proof read what I type, sorry.........I hope you get my point</p>

<p>in other news, the exeter iniatives just sent us an ugly calendar to try to make us give them more money. woo marketing!</p>

<p>ok, before you get biased about prep school, understand that they are, for the most part all diverse. You have kids who pop their collar from greenwich, ct to kids who come from single parent homes from the inner city.... I recently graduated from deerfield academy, and my friends showed me this site, and i felt i needed to leave some honest advice on this page. I worked very close with my admissions office and happen to know the current prep ratings. I do know, specifically because we take a great deal of pride in it, Deerfield is now the most difficult school to get into, St. Paul's being the second. Admissions rates DO NOT determine the quality of the school. In my opinion, Andover, Exeter, Hotchkiss, Deerfield, Choate, St. Pauls, St. Georges, Suffield, Loomis, etc. are all good schools. You need to decide what you wants, exeter and andover are big, deerfield is medium sized, and a place like tabor is small. Some schools have more guidance from teacher's and tighter communities, others let you be more independant. The best way to decide is to go to google and look up TABS (The association of boarding schools) or something like that, i do know you will find what you are looking for if you just search for TABS.... they will have all the up-to-date info......good luck and don't hate on the prep school kids, cause we are all different.</p>

<p>rett, I'm curious, why mention admit rates if they have nothing to do with the quality of the school?</p>

<p>rett, what can you tell us about Suffield? back when my d was applying to bs, we were told that suffield's program suffered because of its small endowement. As I recall, it did have a pretty campus.</p>

<p>I guess Delaware is not know for its boarding schools, however, St. Andrews looks rather sweet in terms of an education.</p>

<p>rett, what can you tell us about Suffield? back when my d was applying to bs, we were told that suffield's program suffered because of its small endowement. As I recall, it did have a pretty campus.</p>

<p>I guess Delaware is not know for its boarding schools, however, St. Andrews looks rather sweet in terms of an education.</p>

<p>Oh my, what happened?</p>

<p>prepparent, do you know that insteaded of making 4 - 5 posts within ten minutes that you can edit your posts?</p>

<p>I've noticed you've done that a lot.. lol</p>

<p>JK lol actually, no I did that's funnylol how does one go about doing such a task? Oh I see, got it, and thank you</p>

<p>Wow JK this is my second edit weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee seriuosly, thanks a bunch</p>

<p>Wow JK you've created a monster</p>

<p>prepparent..any rankings out there on private day schools (in the NY area perhaps)? thanks..</p>

<p>biggyboy, check the thread on private day schools. You'll find alot of NYC day school discussion.</p>

<p>how does yeshiva university high school rank? im looking for jewish schools that also have a rigorous college-prep program (ny area). thanks</p>

<p>to Biggyboy-</p>

<p>MTA is pretty good and kind of laid back, and if you do well you can get into a good college. My friend has brothers who went there and one of them went to Princeton. Central (for girls) isn't as good as MTA.</p>

<p>The best Jewish school in the country (according to rankings) is Ramaz. I'm sure you've heard of it. It give a ton of work, but in the end, when you apply to college, it's worth it. It's hard though, and you have to be smart. And admissions is a little tough. (NY area)</p>

<p>For something a little less religious, there's alway Heschel, but it's nowhere near as good as Ramaz is. And SAR isn't bad, but also not as good academically.</p>

<p>thank you purpoisepal</p>

<p>what 'rankings' are you referring to? i wasn't aware there were any rankings for jewish schools. thanks</p>