President Obama and former President Clinton in one week!

<p>Just thought I'd let you all know...</p>

<p>Today former President Clinton kind of randomly showed up to President Shalala's class on Healthcare. I had actually walked by Storer auditorium and noticed a few police cars blocking off the road, and I wasn't sure what was going on, but I guess that was why!</p>

<p>Also, on Thursday, President Obama will be coming to campus and giving a speech at the fieldhouse. I plan to camp out for my ticket... IbisNews</a> Newsletter</p>

<p>As always... it's great to be a Miami Hurricane! :)</p>

<p>Rankinr, I sent the link to my daughter. Do you think camping out will be necessary to get tickets? She really wants to go .</p>

<p>I’m not sure… I feel like if you show up by 6AM or so you might be good… but, for Billy Joel tickets, for example, people were lined up all the way to the Library by 7AM. They’re just being really ambiguous when stating how many tickets will be available. I’m going to show up by 2AM at the latest, I think, just to be safe.</p>

<p>Enjoy it Rankinr…my DS has a test during that time and a class right after the test! Hoping this will not be Obama’s last visit! Please tell us all about your adventure!</p>

<p>It turns out that my daughter has a class around that time too with a serious attendence policy. " campus wide events " can be considered an excused absence. She is going to check with the professor. We can hope.</p>

<p>Wow! Too bad my daughter is in the Galapagos and has no chance to attend. Poor thing will just have to enjoy the incredible islands instead.</p>

<p>Poor thing…</p>

<p>Sooooo, apparently lining up at 10PM is already too late to get a ticket. The line, at that time, went all the way down to the library and over to the Ashe building. I’m not bothering because there are only around 500 tickets available, and that’s already 800 or so people. Oh well, maybe I’ll catch a glimpse of him coming out of the engineering building.</p>

<p>My daughter camped out. She is still on line.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Nothing else to say.</p>

<p>Very cool!</p>