Presidential Election 2008 - Who are you voting for?

<p>Mitt tha man Romney.</p>

<p>I second the Mitt Romney vote, Huckabee is weak on immigration, McCain wants to start World War III, a Guiliani lacks the experience or the intelligence to run a country</p>

<p>The Democratic candidates are horrendous</p>

<p>**** off a Liberal: Thank a soldier or buy a gun</p>

<p>For those of you who profess to be serious conservatives:</p>

<p>Why not take a look at Ron Paul? Out of all the candidates for the Republican nomination, he is the most serious when it comes to reducing the size of government and changing our role abroad, both of which are entirely consistent with real conservative principles.</p>

<p>Screw the military-industrial complex. Anyone who would vote for any of the Republican candidates, save Ron Paul (or most of the Democratic ones for that matter) needs to take a serious look at United States history.</p>


<p>You are definitely in line to vote for John Edwards. He is the only Dem that can win more states than Gore/Kerry as well as govern popularly. To anyone in a red state he is the best choice for the Dems to win there. The others will be repeats of past two cylcles unles GOP candidates are complete flops.</p>


<p>If you voted for Bush, before you should be allowed to vote again, come down to FT Bragg and apologize for being irresponsible with your vote to a military family. They are the ones paying the price.</p>

<p>OKgirl... Obama is not and never has been a Muslim. That's a blatant lie invented by FOX News and the Moonie nuts at The Washington Times in a transparent attempt to smear him with attachments to terrorism. Don't fall victim to misinformation and outright falsehoods.</p>

<p>Urban</a> Legends Reference Pages: Who Is Barack Obama?</p>

<p>Debunked</a> Insight Magazine and Fox News Smear Campaign | U.S. Senator Barack Obama</p>

<p>Anyone who is running for president is neither fit nor qualified for that job.</p>

<p>That's why we elect them.</p>

<p>Just an interesting tidbit:
Of all the people who are actively supporting candidates on facebook, Obama has by FAR the most supporters. I didn't actually realize this until I saw the ABCnews Election section on facebook that shows the number of people supporting all the different candidates. See website here: [url=<a href=""&gt;]Facebook&lt;/a> | Login<a href="the%20results%20at%20the%20bottom">/url</a>
Ron Paul has the most support of the Republicans, but it's still only a fraction of the support Barack has. </p>

<p>(yay Obama! I'm one of that 171,000ish)</p>

<p>Another interesting tidbit:
Colbert reached approximately 1.5 million in a tiny fraction of the time it took Obama to hit 170K</p>

<p>I don't get why folks even care about voting. Assuming you were to incorporate a thorough understanding of the political, economic and social components to each candidate's particular views into your selection, (which 99% of Americans don't), assuming your vote doesn't get canceled out by somebody who votes based on intuition/flawed perceptions/misinformation/pre-existing bias (which most people do), assuming your vote turns out to have any meaningful impact at all on the election (odds are at least one in 300 million)... assuming ALL THIS, your candidate and possible future President will, invariably, be influenced by powerful and well-funded interest groups far more than your vote or support. </p>

<p>This isn't a case for apathy, however. If you want to influence things, just become a lobbyist or media personality and you'll have a much greater impact than by being Empowered Voting Citizen #42032!</p>

<p>And the reasons above are why I don't really trust the democratic system anymore. That, and reading Liberty or Equality by Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn convinced me that somehow the democratic system we were all brought up to worship as kids isn't all it's cracked up to be.</p>

<p>Colbert and Obama have something in common though, neither of them is going to be the President.</p>

<p>My vote goes to Obama next year.</p>

<p>My vote goes to Ron Paul. Best candidate in 12 years.</p>

<p>^^Right on</p>

<p>Any Democrat who gets the party nomination gets my vote. The Republicans, other than John McCain, are a creepy group this year.</p>

<p>Amen to the poster above ^^</p>

<p>All republicans including Ron Paul, but excluding John McCain scare the crap out of me. But I'd much rather prefer the democratic candidate who wins the primary to win the election.</p>

<p>Iraq Osama for president 2008!</p>

<p>Ron Paul scares you? You're right; freedom and liberty are scary.</p>