Presidential Scholars Class of 2023

Somewhere I read that students had to allow their scores to be communicated to outside organizations in order to be eligible for the Presidential. My daughter (1600 SAT in one sitting), did not allow her scores out. This far reduced the college marketing she received, but perhaps kept her from the Presidential award.


I think that is true as well

The “Top 20/30 plus ties” ends up being a couple hundred students in large states. CA has 255 that qualified based on scores this year. (Another 24 through the alternate paths).

The largest few states require a 1590/36.00 most years (a 108 on their scoring methodology). My daughter is in PA and the cutoff seemed to be 1580/35.75 (a 107) last year. It drops off slowly after that, but only the single digit small states are below ~1560/35.25, from the data I’ve seen.

Given the effort need for the next step, and what appears to be nor much benefit other than the two winners from each state, she skipped the application process.

Yes, if a student chose not to share scores, it wasn’t shared with this competition. Instructions on being included are at U.S. Presidential Scholars Program: Eligibility

Well, if they had 19 boys with a 1600 for example, and had to go down to 1590 for the 20th, then that brings in everyone else who also had a 1590. And I think if it goes to 1590 for male, then it has to include all 1590 for female as well.

Just an example of how you end up with more than the 40.

1590 is the highest cutoff on the SAT (in most cases). So with ~.15% at 1590+/36.0 in a state of 100,000+ graduates, the minimal qualifying population is going to be well into 100+.

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Does anyone know if this is true for ACT scores as well - that students had to allow their scores to be communicated to outside organizations in order to be eligible?

If so, can this be done after the fact? My son can’t remember if he checked a box allowing his scores to be communicated to outside organizations, and the people I have talked to on the ACT help line have not been particularly helpful.


THE list ftom each state is already out. Check your state on the above list.

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My son is class of 24. I am wondering about next January’s list, and whether any steps need to be taken to ensure that ACT scores are shared.


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My D2023 has said she already has been rejected for the next round of Presidential. We found that humorous but expected. Last week she was given an award as the second runner-up in our state for the top Academic student. She lost by hundredths of a second. She was however the top female in the state academically by the numbers.
Apparently though not holistic enough for the Presidentials. :grinning:
Good luck to all! :+1: