I was wondering if anyone has/can point to a compilation of prestigious internship/summer research programs that are popular with pre-med students and med schools please?
This list gets updated as time progresses for 2019 with new links for 2019.
Thank you very much @texaspg ! appreciate it
Those outside internships/research opportunities not from your own school are difficult to apply because the program usually consider their own students first. Better try to find opportunities in your own school.
In addition to research, you should also look into hospital volunteering, shadowing or community service in lieu of research. Research is very important for MD/Phd applicants, not very important for most of the non-research oriented med schools.
Personally I think these programs are a waste - especially if you are at a top 20 or probably top 50 university. It’s much easier to get a position at your own institution and its much easier to turn that into a more impressive research experience.
Thanks @iwannabe_Brown . That really helps as well. Does the quality of research and if it was done with a top 20 University matter? or is all research equal please? Sorry if the q is naive but very new to all things pre-med here…
It depends on what your goal is.
If you are planning to go for a MD/PhD or if you are hoping to eventually attend a very research intensive medical school, then your depth of involvement matters. You need to be involved in a lab where you have an increasingly level of responsibility, eventually culminating in responsibility for your own project (like a senior research thesis).
If you are not planning on MD/PhD, then the type of research and depth of involvement becomes less important.
The value of research as an EC is often over-valued by pre-meds. An annual survey of med school adcomms shows they rank research as being among the “lowest importance” factors when evaluating applicants for interview consideration.
See p. 14: https://www.aamc.org/download/462316/data/mcatguide.pdf
Activities ranked as “most important” include: clinical experience, non-medical community service, physician shadowing and leadership.