<p>I was just wondering what you guys thought about this. My parents have set aside about 150K for my college. I want to go to grad school. So my question is does it help to come from a more prestigious school when I apply for graduate schools? Or am I better off going to a school that is lesser known as an undergrad and going from there. Any opinions?</p>
<p>bump please</p>
<p>You are a resident of what state? Are your stats good enough to get a merrit scholarship?</p>
GPA 3.5 unweighted and i take every AP possible at my small school
Scored a 30 on my ACT and am taking it again and the SAT Suject tests next month.
EC's are solid</p>
<p>Since you're in-state for Iowa, I'd definitely apply to U Iowa...maybe Wisconsin, Indiana and/or Michigan...Northwestern as a reach... also look into USC as a possibility.</p>
<p>I'm personally a fan of the Big Ten schools and believe they provide a great value. But, when looking at options out-of-state, the privates tend to be more generous with aid (however, your parents significant savings could crimp the award package).</p>
<p>If you're interested in eventually getting an MBA from a top college, the adcoms focus on 3 things mostly: GPA (they also look for good performance in quantative/math classes), GMAT score, and work experience. Undergraduate college reputation is taken into account somewhat, but it's not nearly as important. If you don't get into a high ranked university, your in-state flagship public is a good option to get you where you want to go...and you can save money and apply it to grad school instead.</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>The University of Iowa is a great option for you. Unfortunately, your stats don't seem to be quite at the level required to get merrit scholraships to universities that are significantly better, and paying an extra $80K (or more) over Iowa doesn't make sense. </p>
<p>Also check out Grinnell. It is a great school.</p>
<p>Personally I'd rather go out of state. I'd also like to major in economics as an undergrad. I've also taken a couple practice act tests via the act study thing and scored 32 on both of those so i think i can get the act up a point or two. I'm also looking more towards private schools in general.</p>
<p>I don't thin you will be eligible for need-based aid and your stats are not really good enough to get you merit aid at a top university. You can try of course, but in the end, you will probably be fased with attending the UofIowa for $15k/year vs attending some private university for $40k-$55k/year.</p>
<p>alright thanks</p>