Pretty please chance me?

<p>Hi! Thank you so much for reading this! Be brutally honest with me, I don't care. My uncle really wants me to go to UPenn for law and work at his law firm later!</p>

<li>10th grade (skipped first grade and am in gifted program)
*didn't take SATs will take PSATs in a couple of weeks and only started AP classes this year
GPA: 3.5 unweighted from last year. Will bring it up!
Class rank: 37/473 (will bring this up too!)
Race: ASIAN (go figure)
President of East Asian club
Student Government
I'm in a theatre/journalism program at the Walnut Streete Theatre in Philadelphia
Founded Wilson Writers' Club (but I'm quitting cuz i'm too busy- is that bad?)
I play piano and flute
was a freshman class represenative
piano accompanist for chorus
Glad Tidings guest staff (check people in at church)
I am technically employed at Voices (the teen section in the Reading Eagle- a local newspaper)</li>

<p>Future stuff:
join Best Buddies (technically I already did but my mom kinda wants me to quit)
Jazz band (if I make it)
County band (again, if I make it)
Maybe soccer next fall- i used to play when I was younger but my parents might think I'm too busy
volunteer at the hospital/ chinese tutoring
get better at ballet ( i started this year cuz my parents wanted me to fix my posture)</p>

first place in a state wide poetry contest (plus an honorable mention and citation)
3rd place Chinese essay contest
3rd place home covenant essay contest (local)
student of the month (school)
in a national french test I placed 7th in chapters and 18th in divisions</p>

<p>(this is all freshman year- i hope to do more writing contests because I actually enjoying going through the process)</p>

<p>Please give me some real advice and direction. Should i do more academic/nationally recognized clubs? If you need more info please ask. It would mean so much to me and I will chance back! Thanks so much!</p>

<p>I think you should definitley be in soccer; it may be time cosuming but sports are great EC’s. As for found(ing) Writer Wilsons Club that’s great! However I don’t think you should quit Universities want to know that you can start and finish something, try to balance more (if possible) but don’t overwhelm yourself! 3.5 isn’t bad but try your absolute best to get a 4.0 sophomore year, this will show that you can improve! Especially since 10th and 11th grade are most important. Self study some easy AP’s if you can like Psych since I guess that it in a way slighlty correlated with law (rhetoric wise). You have impressive stats; just keep on doing your best! Goodluck!</p>

<p>Hey, thanks for your reply! It means a lot to me:) However, my mom is making me quit Wilson Writers’ club and I want to do jazz band which is during the same time. I don’t go to the meetings, but I check in with the advisor and still make flyers for the club. Can you give me some more advice? Thanks so much again!</p>

<p>That’s great that you got into Jazz! I would recommend you be in Debate Club if you are really interested in Law. Debate helps develop argumentative skills! Also if your school doesn’t have one then you can always start one which looks even better on a resume. Also join student council or your 10th grade council. Since your uncle already has a law firm from my understanding get an internship there if you have not done so yet. Internships always looks excellent. Start 1 club this year being a founder of something looks even better than being president although the founder is president for the first few year(s)). Sorry that it for now I’m kind of in a rush! Keep working hard!</p>

<p>Thank you so much! It really means alot to me that you answered! If you need me to chance or doing anything back, let me know!</p>

<li>I want to join Junior States of America but it hasn’t started yet. :)</li>
<li>I’ve been in a student council since fifth grade haha</li>
<li>Technically I did not get into jazz band yet, but I hope I do!</li>
<li>I was thinking of starting an Academic Decathlon team online at my school. Then I don’t have to show up to meetings plus I would love to compete :wink: Although, there’s no officer spots, but that’s ok!</li>
<li>Yeah, i’m going to do an internship with my uncle. Since I will most likely be working with him, I want to make sure I like it lol.</li>

<p>(sorry I numbered the sentences. It makes it easier for me:) )</p>

<p>That’s perfectly fine student council since 5th grade is cool too! AcaDeca is awesome as well we can have a friendly rivalry since my school has AcaDeca too lol. Online competitions are great as well but A LOT of time has to go into it. My Friend who is on the AcaDeca team at Granada Hills Charter HS in California had to study about 4 hours a day and now studies 2 w/ school work. Although they won nationals(2011) winning for your state already looks fantastic. You have great EC’s! Just remeber not to overwhelm yourself; sometimes less is more especialy when you dedicate a lot of time into them. I have not heard of JSA haha I’m behind but I checked out the website and it looks really cool; if you could give me some information on that I would really appreciate it.</p>

<p>Cool!! When the captain (she’s in tennis so whenever she’s done with that she’ll have meetings) starts meetings, I’ll let you know what kind of stuff happens!
I hope they don’t mind I quit my own club though I really can’t do it. :(</p>

<p>And just an update on the EC’s, I quit ballet (I had flute lessons the same time and will now be taking SAT math classes soon cuz everyone thinks I’m a failure at math haha), and I am a choir officer (period 11 historian/section leader)</p>

<p>Hey I have a quick question: If you were in something for only a year (some stuff only lasts a year) then should you still put it on your resume? Thanks! I REALLY appreciate since you are the only one still talking to me :)</p>

<p>Certain things that last a year can be put on a resume! Although I do think it would have to be semi-significant, for exaample there is an AIDS walk where I live and I do it every year although it’s only one day a year, you could put your participation on a resume. Especially if it’s for a job as many things either a month week or year usually help build work/leadership skills. If let’s say you were in a club for one year as long as you did something important/contributing in it I’m sure you could fit it in somewhere o your resume. Hope this helps(?) Keep working hard and do your best on your SAT math class! ALSO im quite sure you alrready know this but just in case: memorize geometry and algebra formulas on the SAT, ALL OF THEM many people think that it isn’t necessary as they are already provided in the test but it’s a time waster and yoou already have limited time so that helps A LOT. Keep sticking to the things your passionate about! Keep working hard!</p>

<p>Thanks so much!! :smiley: I didn’t think about that for SAT math. You keep working hard too on your APs and other stuff and we might see each other in college!</p>

<p>to make it less confusing here’s my as of now resume (some new stuff, and i took some stuff out that I barely did and didn’t continue with like I thought I would)</p>

<p>(all the basic stuff please see above)</p>

Student Government (9,10)
Walnut Street theatre program (10)
started Writers club (9- but then I quit cuz I couldn’t go to meetings)
President of East Asian Club (secretary in 9)
freshman class representative (9)
Women’s choir pianist (school choir- teacher asked me again to accompany) (9,10)
Employed at Voices (10)
Choir (period 11 historian/section leader)
Volunteers at Reading Music Foundation</p>

<p>Will most likely do:
jazz band (piano)
county band (flute)
Junior States of America (once the captain of the club is done with tennis)
intern with my uncle at his law firm
soccer is less likely cuz i haven’t played in years
more contests cuz it’s kinda my hobby now haha</p>

3 state wide poetry contests (1st place, honorable mention, citation)
3rd place essay contest (local)
3rd place Chinese essay contest (Idk how wide this is but my teacher made my class entered and pretty much everyone won a place. So our teacher is either amazing or nobody else entered haha)
student of the month (school wide)
7th in chapter and 18th in divisions in a National French test
3rd place local piano competition (l won this last week so it’s new)</p>

<p>As for academics, I’m going to take SATs, more AP classes (right now have 2), and some SAT IIs.</p>