Primary major?

<p>Hi, i'm a junior pursing a double major and I've noticed on my transcript there was a distinction between my 1st major and 2nd major.
How important is this when applying to grad school because I have a higher gpa in my 2nd major than in my 1st(primary) major.
If there's a significant impact on grad school admissions, will it be better to switch my 2nd major to my primary?

<p>Graduate schools usually require you to send all transcripts, so there’s literally no benefit to trying to mask things by changing the name of your major - they’ll see the same grades. Similarly, while schools will ask for overall gpa (you are ethically bound to give them a combined GPA), they will also often ask you for your major GPA. If your two majors are Photography and Biochem and you’re applying to biochem programs, put the biochem gpa. Adcoms would probably reject you immediately if they saw you actually put the unrelated major gpa.</p>