Prince Harry

<p>So...what about Prince Harry??</p>

<p>Do you think its anti- semitism on his part or just a stupid costume selection?</p>

<p>he probably thought it was funny
damn it would suck being a prince and have everyone watching your every move</p>

<p>Man noone can take a joke anymore. If I was this guy I would have been strung out to dry every other week. Must suck to be a celebrity (well besides the fame, fortune, and hot women)</p>

<p>i can understand that people found it really offensive, i mean, come on... but i think that he's just like a lot of bonehead 20 yr old guys who dont realize that they're being rude, he just also happens to be a prince so everyone watches him.</p>

<p>I don't care about his drug usage, or drinking and partying scandals, but this one actually makes me wonder about the guy.</p>

<p>the theme of the party he was attending was 'bad taste' and the idea was for everyone to try to have the most tasteless costume, but obviously he took it too far.</p>

<p>Then, too, when I choose a costume, I usually pick something that's a far from what I think of myself as possible. Frankly this poor kid hasn't really understood everything he does every minute of his life is considered symbolic and he's living in a world that's desperate to find something to take offence over.</p>

<p>Who cares???</p>

<p>I don't think that was the theme. I think it was a natives and colonial themed party. I was pretty offended by the costume, though this feeling was diminished by the fact that he is Diana's son and he's a twenty-year-old bonehead as a result of a life of privilege. Not all the focus should go to the Holocaust, but if I remember correctly, the UK might have fought against Nazism. Hmmm...yes, that does ring a bell. Perhaps blitzkrieg bombings, melting down public telephones, lots of UK civilians and soldiers killed in the battle against Nazism and Imperial Japan. This does sound familiar. Poor choice of costume, but what else can you expect from Prince Brat. Seriously, when will the UK abolish the crown?</p>

<p>I wonder what his brother thinks. Isn't William the one doing the charity work??</p>

<p>if he was trying to be funny, then he is just really stupid. i mean like--what is so funny about hitler???? he killed millions of people for cryin out loud!!!! why, does harry wanna be like him?? what a sicko.</p>

<p>He's an idiot. All of the royals are idiots (they think this especially in England), with the exception of Prince William.</p>

<p>The Royal family does have connections with Nazi Germany.</p>

<p>The Duke of Windsor, the abdicated King of England, Edward VIII, met Rudolph Hess in 1937.</p>

<p>He also met Hitler.</p>

<p>At that time, many right-wing ****nuts supported fascism and leaders such as Hitler to act as a barrier to the spread of Communism from the USSR.</p>

<p>Anyway, the fact that it's the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, makes Harry look even more stupid and irresponsible.
I hate the royal family. Stupid bouregoisie brats. Those people belong in a gulag, or better yet should be shot, and their palaces should be turned into museums or housing.</p>

<p>goodness, people take things WAYYYY tooo seriously!</p>

<p>i definitely see the error in his judgment...but i mean come on, he's HUMAN! he'll make mistakes.</p>

<p>if he were in a kkk ensemble (lol, what do you call those) people would be up in arms and rightly so. there are some things you shouldnt joke about, and he should know better than that, being in the public eye all the time.</p>

<p>on a side note, I have met Lady Gabriela Windsor once. She's like 19th to the throne or something, so not exactly "royalty" in the way we think of it, but she was very friendly and attends school in the U.S.--brown u. i believe.</p>

<p>You people do realize you are arguing against a symbol right? A symbol is a symbol, it didnt do anythig to anyone nor did it influence other people to kill. </p>

<p>If he was carrying out a picture of hitler in his wallet it would have been different but its a costme for heavenssake.</p>

<p>I think he thought it was funny and he was wrong and stupid and he forgot that because he is royal he has no privacy and the world gets to judge whatever he says or does.(major run on sentence!)He showed a lack of judgement and some really poor taste.</p>

<p>uhhh...william actually helped harry pick the outfit according to what my newspaper yeah ALL royals are idiots, william no exception :D</p>