Princeton or Harvard?

<p>I'm not certain I'll have the financial resources to go for both. I realize I'm asking this in the Harvard thread (not the most objective place in the world...), but what are differentiating factors? I'm already aware of the differences in campuses (urban v. suburban) and fin-aid and such, but am not sure how they'd differ academically and with regards to overall satisfaction?</p>

<p>Any ideas?</p>

<p>Social factors were the biggest differences I saw (I stayed for 48 hours on each campus on the weekend for an athletic visit) Other than that the classes seemed pretty similar. In just the few classes I saw at each school, to me it seemed like the professors had a closer relationship with the Princeton students, moreso than the Harvard. (of course this could have been a flawed observation)
Biggest thing about Princeton though is that its impossible to double Major because of the huggeee senior thesis at the end of the year on your major.</p>

<p>When I stayed at MIT the thing that caught my attention the most was a program offered where you could Major at MIT in engineering of some sort, and minor at Harvard in another field. I think it works visa-versa as well. Although the courseload would kill you, just think about how many doors would be opened to you in terms of a future career with a Major in MIT and Minor in Harvard.</p>

<p>"The financial resources to go for both"</p>

<p>What do you mean? If application fees are a problem (and for something as importance as college apps, they shouldn't be), just get a fee waiver from you school.</p>

<p>Well, more like it's expected that I pay for college apps from my own savings (as opposed to parents doing so). With a decent few apps lined up already, that limits options.</p>

<p>I wouldn't let 50-60 bucks stand between one or two common app submissions. Fee waivers are granted almost as a matter of course at either institution.</p>