I'm just wondering: what are your opinions on the difficulty of the princeton review tests? Today, I took a science section from princeton and got a 23-24, but on Monday I took the act science section from the 2009-1010 act booklet and got a 26.
Is Princeton's generally harder (particularly in science?)
How about the other sections? How have your scores compared?
Or are the tests from the booklet as far back as 2009/2010 innacurate? Has science gotten harder? I really hope not because a 26 in science would be more than good enough for me (it's my weakest subject, followed by math.) A 23 in science, however, not so much...</p>
<p>if anyone could offer their insight, it would be soooo appreciated!!</p>
<p>Bump, great question u made a similar forum, but I didn’t eat many replies</p>
<p>I mean I made I similar forum not u</p>
<p>Lol funny I was thinking of posting a thread on this but for their reading section.</p>
<p>On the real act I got 33 on reading and on PR I got 28. However when I use the red book scoring chart for my PR test it was a 32.</p>
<p>I hadn’t done PR science yet. OP, use the red book scoring chart and post what that book says.</p>
<p>I think the PR test seem right but maybe their scoring charts are bolics.</p>
<p>I just bought their ACT prep book and I’ve been wondering how accurate they are as well.</p>