Princeton Shorts

<p>What's the consensus on these? Should we elaborate on them? And by "Shorts" I mean favorite website, etc.</p>

<p>just put your favorite website; there’s really no need to explain it; they’re short takes, not strewn-out essays</p>

<p>Anyone else tempted to put CC? =P</p>

<p>^I did!!!</p>

<p>lol my website pwned CC like none other.</p>

<p>NO ONE will put it :)</p>

<p>if you’re interested, and you already applied/put your website, I’ll pm it to you :)</p>

<p>I was going to ask this too – becuase you can type a lot more than just one word… should we avoid making them long, though?</p>

<p>I wasn’t thinking really long, just about the length of the Yale Short Takes (which are 25 words or fewer)</p>

<p>haha that’s so weird I was literally just about to post about this</p>

<p>lol what is yours hookem168? (i sent in my app a while ago)</p>