<p>Chances for:</p>
<p>Princeton, Stanford, U Chicago, Northwestern, MIT, Caltech, Harvey Mudd, Cornell, JHU, USC, UVa, UC Berkeley for engineering, CS, math, or physics.</p>
<p>1) What are chances?</p>
<p>2) For the reach schools: what are your opinions on the following activities
(to add to music - sports - scouts EC's)
for improving chances? So many worthwhile activities, so little time!
a) finishing Eagle Scout,
b) retaking SAT I and going for 800's in math and writing,
c) doing research,
d) doing research and submitting an Intel/Westinghouse paper
e) finding more leadership activities,
f) getting school to offer Science Olympiad tests
g) enjoying playing trumpet, chilling with friends, and leave it to chance,
h) going to HS a fourth year and beefing up resume (least favorite).</p>
<p>(for each reach school, what activities a-h would most help?)</p>
Jan 2007 SAT I 2330 (by section): CR 800, M 780, W 750
May 2006 SAT I 2250 (by section): CR 800, M 760, W 690
SAT IIs: Physics 800, Math 2 800
APs: AB Calc (5) (self-study) Taking this May: US Government,
Physics B, Physics C Mech, Physics C E&M (self-studying on physics)
GPA, W/UW 3.91/3.94 (includes 2 B+'s from grade 8)
Class Rank, school doesn't rank, hopefully top 10%</p>
Math - 7th Algebra, A; 8th Geometry, B+; Alg II, tested out;
9th PreCalc(IBMathI), A;CalcAB(self-study) 5 on exam;
10th State U Calc2, A; 10th State U Multivar Calc, A
Science - 7th EPGY C Programming, A+; 9th Biology, A; 10th IBChemistry, A;
AP Physics B (self-study), AP Physics C Mech and E&M (self-study)
English - 9th Eng 9,A: Eng 10, A;10th IB English, B; State U Philosophy and Lit A
Social Sciences - 9th World History 2, A; 10th AP US Government, A
Latin - 8th Latin 1, B+; 9th Latin 2, A; 10th Latin 3 A
......and P.E. and Band</p>
<p>Proposed senior schedule:</p>
<p>Summer school online - World History 1 (required for graduation)</p>
<p>IB Theory of Knowledge
AP English
IB History of the Americas
State U Differential Equations, Linear Alg and maybe another course in spring
State U University Physics III, and another course in spring</p>
Music - trumpet: band, marching band, jazz band, pit orchestra, trumpet quartet; the usual awards at music competitions, no state-level individual awards
Boy Scouts - Life Scout, lots of volunteer hours, patrol leader, other leadership, BSA National Leadership Camp, almost to Eagle
Sports - Track team, recreational sports
NHS, occasional Classics Club attendance
Job/Work Experience: volunteer camp counselor</p>
National Merit Finalist, probably (PSAT 238)
1st Place regional science fair in Engineering, nothing at state, though
2006 AMC 101.5, AIME 1
2007 AMC 97.5, AIME 3
2006 National Latin Exam gold award
School awards: school science fair x2, academic letter, band letter</p>
State or Country: Virginia
School Type, Public, relatively competitive; Large, about 700/grade
Ethnicity: White
Income Bracket: won't get aid
Gender: Male
Hooks: USC legacy, MIT legacy, 5 university classes by application time
Graduating in 3 years. Is this a strength or a weakness?</p>