<p>My daughter did not apply to H,Y because of urban feel of the two. She has applied to several other Ivies, a few of which she has visited. Can someone who knows, contrast Princeton and Stanford with pros and cons. She is considering a number of other schools too, and she is all about the right fit. Also, is there a view of her chances at either given her resume- she is from the Southeast:</p>
<p>-white, female
-ACT 35; Writing 11/12
-SAT II: 750 Math 2c, 730 Chem, 710 Lit
-Nat Merit Scholar
-National AP Scholar Anticipated
-National Honor Society
-Region Pathfinder Nominee for Academic Excellence
-GPA: 4.20/4.5 (Last semester- 5 APs + Honors Physics= 5 A+'s, 1 A
-Valedictorian Candidate: Top 1% class of 100- regarded small college prep school
-Senior Superlatives Class Vote: Best Overall
-Numerous book awards for best student in subject
-Yale Book Award
-Two year captain of basketball team
-Varsity volleyball and lacrosse
-Created Her Own Foundation for community service fundraising- Haitian relief, kids with cancer
-Board member of another foundation that helps raise travel expenses for disabled kids needing distant medical treatment. Taught herself sign language to communicate to some of them.
-Intel Science Contest Entry Pending regarding energy and the environment
-All School Representative to Area Industry Student Leadership Council
-Paid internship at U.S.'s Largest Public Utility, with papers and projects on nuclear and other forms of sustainable energy
-State Champion, Spanish Team and Perfect Scores in poetry and improv
-Numerous extracurriculars and community service efforts, including bible school teacher, Haitian relief, Habitat for Humanity, Special Olympics event coordinator, Race for the Cure, etc.
-Chairs various social and community service clubs and events
-In my opinion, excellent essays and applications that bring out her high vocab skills, writing skills, and ability to paint passions.</p>