<p>When I view the pdf of part 2 of the application, none of the indents (i.e. the beginning of each new paragraph) show up, they all line up with the left side of the page. This applies to both the required essay that I uploaded and the optional one that I copied and pasted. Is there any way of getting around this, or should I not worry about it?</p>
<p>I also noticed that all the quotation marks/apostrophes go away when you upload the document; is this normal? Will the admission officers see the full version when they print it out?</p>
<p>No, apparently, this was a problem they had last year. I think they are just supposed to deal with it.</p>
<p>(But then again, this is MIT. Perhaps this is just a 'puzzle' for you to solve).</p>
<p>use spacebar 5-10 times.</p>
<p>indents didnt work for me, but they also said that they do not penalize for formatting errors, so i just let it slide. I found that quotes (as well as long dashes) were dropped when using the "upload" option. I solved this problem by simply copying and pasting the essay into the text box</p>
<p>Are these problems only occurring when uploading/copy-pasting from Word, or do they also occur when uploading or copy-pasting a plain text document?</p>
<p>They occur no matter what form it's in. I've tried every one. Eventually, I just submitted it in the text box.</p>
<p>You can always send the essay(s) in separately if you're concerned about the formatting. Formatting was an unsolvable problem last year, but the adcoms know about it; you're not penalized.</p>
<p>Will the text box accept an essay that is longer than 500 words? (Mine is 530…)</p>
<p>Yes, it will.</p>
<p>text box cuts you off around 550.</p>
<p>molliebatmit: spacing errors occur both with upload and copy/paste plain text. Loss of quotes (“…” turns into: …) and long (— turns into: ) hyphens occured just with the upload function.</p>
<p>I ended up submitting my essay with the bad spacing formatting. hopefully it will not hurt me too much</p>