Printer needed?

<p>Should we buy a printer for our future Stanford freshman? We had bought one for our older son, but he never needed it at his school. For one thing, so much is delivered electronically now, and many profs wanted assignments and research papers e-mailed to them. Also, my son's school required all students to pay into a college printing account, so he always just used that since he had already paid in advance for those copies.</p>

<p>From what I saw at Admit weekend, almost every freshman had a printer.
I dont think stanford has a required payment, but it is expensive to print things on campus through the public printers.</p>

<p>When I was at admit weekend I didnt see any printers except in the computer cluster.</p>


<p>I think a printer is a good idea. While most professors prefer student’s papers to be emailed, there are courses where students can use a printer for presentation purposes. Also in the PWR class, most professors at times want a printed version of rough draft essays for students in the class to evaluate. </p>

<p>Every freshman dorm has a printer (and a computer cluster) that can be used by any of the students. Each dorm has an RCC (resident computer coordinator) who helps students with any computer problems. So if anything goes wrong with a student’s computer (or printer, internet connection, etc), it is the RCC’s job to fix it. My son will be an RCC next year.</p>

<p>How much does it cost to print using the dorm printer?</p>

<p>I think it’s 10 cents a page.</p>

<p>^that is correct</p>