Printing FAFSA report after submitting

<p>I'm having trouble getting the form to print: on the last page it asks you to print but when I click on that line, it keeps telling me that I used the browser to go from one page to another Then it asks me to press "continue" which sends me back to that same last page so I get nowhere. </p>

<p>I didn't use my browser arrows; I used the ones at the bottom of the page! I logged out and logged back in and it once again admonished me for supposedly using the browser arrows instead of theirs. And I got nowhere once again.</p>

<p>If I submit, can I go back later and print the form and the confirmation page? </p>

<p>The Help section only mentioned that if you're unable to print the confirmation page after submitting, you should write down your confirmation number but it doesn't say anything about being able to print everything AFTER submission. </p>

<p>I was hoping to submit it today and then try to print everything from my school's computer on Monday but I don't know if I will be able to -- does anyone know?</p>

<p>We’re doing ours, too. We saved the document to the desktop adn I believe we will be able to print it later-I hope.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>