Process for changing majors?

My D has been accepted to TAMU for General Engineering, and had planned to apply for the Biomedical Engineering Program at the end of her Freshman year. Her ultimate goal is to have a career in medicine, with the Engineering degree offering a Plan B career in the event that she changes her mind or does not gain admittance to Med school.

She told us last week (after applying to Engineering at 14 schools!) that she’s not really interested in Engineering, and would rather major in a subject more directly connected to medicine, like Biology. If she matriculates to TAMU, can someone provide guidance on the process of changing majors, and whether this is going to be a significant problem?

I have read the TAMU web guidance on requirements for switching majors, just looking for insight on how difficult the process is.

Thanks in advance.

Sorry. I don’t know anything about difficulty in changing major, but since my daughter would also like to attend medical school I thought I would mention that she decided to go the biomedical degree route through the vet school. This decision was made after she met with an academic advisor in the science area (biology) and toured the vet school. She also spoke to her cousin who is in vet school and some of her friends that did both degrees. The first year for both are similar.

I would think that this is a common occurrence. I wish that colleges would allow students to be “generalists” first and then declare a major later. Teenagers might not know what any specific major entails until they get a good look at it. Sometimes, they “don’t even know what they don’t know”. I worry about students who get locked into a track that isn’t where their talents or interest falls.

Back in 2012, my oldest daughter changed her major in the short time between being accepted to TAMU and graduating from HS. :slight_smile: She went from a major in the College of Liberal Arts to a major a different College. She contacted advisers in both colleges and had no issue in quickly changing her major. She stayed with that major and graduated in 4 years.

My youngest really enjoys English and thought that she wanted to major in English, but knew that she really did not want to teach. She is now looking at a couple of majors in the College of Liberal Arts and will hopefully pick a major by the time she finishes with Blinn-TEAM. She is getting her basics out of the way and hopefully will have a better idea of a suitable major as she learns more about each major.

But things may be a lot different now and I have no idea how difficult it would be in Engineering or Biology.

Good luck.

Thanks @Tuppence22 and @AggieMomAgain, that is helpful.

@kcheves My S wants to do the exact same swap in reverse - Biology to Engineering. Wish we could barter!

It is much easier to switch before starting vs. after she begins. If her heart is not in engineering, it will be hard to get through it. Give her a week to think about it & make the switch. Some majors require certain courses be taken to be eligible to apply to change majors once you are a current student ( Mays business is like that), so it isn’t just paperwork for some majors.

My son changed from Economics to Electrical Engineering. So yes, it is possible to change. It was handled by the folks in Admissions. We didn’t even have to speak to the departments.

@perazziman that switch had to have taken place before all engineering applicants underwent holistic review, as they do now. No one gets into engineering any longer by rolling admissions or just changing majors though admissions.
Engineering apply to major seems to evolve each year. Now there is a plan for 4th semester general engineering students I came across just today that was not part of the program his freshman year for my class 2020 son. Back then, it read that the fall (third semester) was that class last attempt to apply to major and now, there seems to be a little more slack for students.