Professor that you cant stand

<p>Anyone have that professor that they cannot stand? (not an advice thread just a talk one)</p>

<p>YES! It’s my English professor. I like putting subliminal messages in my papers (e.g. starting the first word of each sentence with a certain letter, so that it reads as a swear).</p>

<p>Example: “For this instance, I will be writing a brief paragraph. Unusually, this paper will be about nothing. Conceivably, this is to show an example of my work. Kind of cool huh? Yes, I think it is. Outrageous, I would even go so far as to say! Until this very last sentence, my example was not complete, but now it is.”</p>

<p>Get it? Try it sometimes… It’s fun to pass in something like that and then still get an A. HAHHAHA!!!</p>

<p>One of my engineering professors is probably the most conceited person I’ve ever met. I am not exaggerating. It’s not just a personality thing with me, either. Everybody who has him for the class can’t stand him. I don’t know a single student that actually likes him out of a class of over 200, he’s THAT bad. What’s worse is that he’s the only person who teaches the class, and it’s a full year course. The only thing that makes it tolerable is the fact that there are a lot of guest speakers so he’s not lecturing all of the time. </p>

<p>Other than him, this semester my professors are all pretty awesome. It’s just my classes suck. :P</p>

<p>“I like putting subliminal messages in my papers (e.g. starting the first word of each sentence with a certain letter, so that it reads as a swear).”
■■■■■. not exactly a subliminal message, but i guess if it makes u feel better…;)</p>

<p>Lol… I wish I could do that on a chemistry exam somehow.</p>