<p>is the large size of the student body really a concern for current students or are the professors still easy to get a hold of. also are the classes fairly small to allow for discussion... rather than just a teacher lecturing to a large number of students? this is my only concern with ucla-the large student body limiting oppurtunities. (i prefer a larger college in general though so that's not the problem)</p>
<p>Two of my four children went to UCLA. The current one is sometimes aggravated by size-related problems, such as seeing a counselor and getting certain classes. However, she has had no problem seeing profs during their office hours or getting help from TAs. Many of her classes are huge--100-200 students--but then she'll have a small discussion group to meet with. This year she has a spanish class with 15, which is nice. Her brother went to Univ of San Diego and rec'd much more personal treatment---no TAs even. But both daughters absolutely loved the challenge and excitement at UCLA.</p>