Proficient in Reading French??

Based on these present facts, I was wondering whether I should declare myself “proficient” in French reading on the Common App…

  1. I’ve taken four years of French and am going into AP this upcoming year
  2. I have been exposed to French literature such as reading “Le Petit Prince” and studying from a French history textbook in French
  3. I have been certified with an Ohio Seal of Biliteracy through The ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages this past and received my highest mark (advanced-medium) in reading as compared to speaking, listening, and writing
  4. I read French texts in my chats on Hello Talk

I suppose you could. Simply being able to read a language as opposed to being able to speak, read, write, and aurally understand it is not necessarily that big a deal, though.

@skieurope Better that than nothing, I guess. At this point in my French learning, I am much better in the non-personal skills (reading, writing).