Profile Questions

<p>So i wrote all the responses to the profile questions under the 300 char limit. Then today (or right now..) when I copy and pasted them, i noticed in the directions it said "Respond in two lines or less" </p>

<p>D: !?!??!?!?!?!??!
WTH! </p>

<p>so do we really need to condense it to 2 lines? or did you guys just follow the 300char limit? </p>

<p>btw, happy new years (:
i'll celebrate by doing apps. yay</p>

<p>two lines. mine was two words</p>


<p>THEN WHY DO THEY GIVE US A 300CHAR LIMIT -______________________-x</p>

<p>two lines in the print preview window
like my kindergarten teacher said Read Directions!</p>

<p>I followed the 300 character limit instead…I read the two lines thing, but if they allow 300 characters, no way it’s fitting on two lines on the print preview, unless all the person did was type “l” 300 times without spaces.</p>