Program selectivity stats?

<p>Do graduate programs publish their admissions statistics in any single resource? I've seen a few departments give statistics on their website, but I was curious to know if these are combined into a single resource? I know that undergraduate admissions statistics are available at many different places (e.g. Princeton Review), but since graduate admissions are on a departmental basis, it might be harder to do this...</p>

<p>I ask because I've applied to a few different programs in biology, but with little advance knowledge of selectivity. If rankings are a good proxy for selectivity (as I suspect is the case) are there any places where biology rankings are freely available? Just curious.</p>

<p>US News and World Report top biological sciences programs</p>

<p>[Search</a> - Biological Sciences - Best Graduate Schools - Education - US News and World Report](<a href=“]Search”></p>