Project Interphase at MIT

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>Did anybody here ever done Project Interphase at MIT? If so, could you give me your experiences in it, the pros and cons, and anything you think it will be helpful.</p>

<p>I was wondering the same thing. And as far as the application goes, is it relatively hard/easy to get in?</p>

<p>i know that most students who go are they ones who were invited, not the ones who applied.</p>

<p>has anyone on CC attended?</p>

<p>but even still, if i weren’t invited, i could go and apply to it?</p>

<p>you can apply for it and, if you’re accepted, attend</p>

<p>were there anybody who was not accepted at all?</p>

<p>i read that about two thirds were rejected</p>

<p>where did you get that info?</p>

<p>[The</a> MIT Office of Minority Education - Interphase Program](<a href=“MIT Office of Minority Education”>MIT Office of Minority Education)</p>

<p>Sounds neat. Is it for minorities only?</p>

<p>nope. it’s open to all races.</p>

<p>the majority of students who are invited though are minorities.</p>

<p>although any admitted prefrosh can apply…</p>

<p>did any of you receive an invitation by mail??? if not, when do they send it out?</p>

<p>Pros and cons:</p>

<p>I did not do Project Interphase (didn’t really know about it until it was too late to apply). In the end, I had a fantastic summer with my high school friends. I slept. I woke up at noon. I went to Disneyland. Remember that after this summer, everything will change, and most of your friendships will fade - for me, I think it was worth enjoying it while it lasted. I still value that last summer a lot. Prefrosh are always eager to leave - but realize once you do, you can never go back to what you had.</p>

<p>But not everyone’s situation is like mine. On the other hand, if I had done Interphase, I probably would’ve been better prepared for my classes later - and the people I know who did it came in with friends already, which makes adjustment to real classes easier. These are pretty awesome benefits, and, well, you spend a summer in Boston :D</p>

<p>No right or wrong, just things to consider ^.^</p>

<p>For me Interphase is a no-brainier. But the again, this program is intended for students in my situation.</p>

<p>(i hope i get invited or accepted!)</p>

<p>does anyone know when we find out if we are eligible to participate?</p>

<p>a friend of mine who did interphase last year said he got invitation from OME in his RA packet…</p>

<p>Since it is OME (office of Minority) sponsoring and sending out invitations, i guess mostly minority students will be getting the invitation or probably some real poor people. But I"m asian and poor, but I don’t think I’ll be getting one, but i would like to…since interphase is def for someone like me in my stituation, but I"m afraid that OME might not see that way?</p>

<p>would you think it’s a good idea that i send an email to OME expressing my interest in interphase ASAP so they might consider sending it to me later on? Even I apply later on, there’s always a chance I can be rejected…and really, I cannot stay home in the summer. It won’t work out well for me to stay home in the summer. As well I need the preparations for those fall classes and see how I adjust and transtition to MIT with the life impacting disability I have before fall classes really began.</p>

<p>has anyone received an invitation yet?</p>

<p>I haven’t :-(</p>

<p>My guess would be that the mailing doesn’t go out until mid-May, when MIT knows who accepted their admissions offer :)</p>

<p>how does the OME select applicants? What are the criteria they are looking for?</p>

<p>^ I was wondering the same. It looks as though invites have gone out already. Nothing here, unfortunately :frowning: I’ll probably still apply though.</p>