PROMISE to CHance BACK chance me SENIOR EA

<p>gpa 3.73 wgpa 3.81
8 aps by graduation (5 senior year)
upward trend
first quarter senior grds
ap physics A-
apstats A
ap lit A-
ap Eco A
Ap Spanish A-
Precalc calc honors A</p>

math 34/30
science 34/30
reading 35/28
english 25/35
composite 32/31</p>

math1 730</p>

english 5
american 4
euro 3</p>

<p>community service
95 hrs community service trip to mississippi for katrina relife
40 hrs holiday house
150+ hrs total</p>

<p>Holocaust Genocide PRoject 2yrs
Spanish Club 2yrs</p>

<p>Crew 4 years fall, winter, and spring
Senior Captin
2nd in states
8th in nation
1st in publicschool states 2 yrs running
bowman and stroke of varsity 4x quad
strokeseat of varsity 8
US Rowing Honor honorable mention</p>

AP Scholar
Scholar Athlete</p>

parttime job(restaurant) summer - present</p>

<p>Notre Dame
Business at all</p>

<p>bumm0ppp anyone</p>

<p>Notre Dame 40%
BC 50%
Villanova 40%</p>

<p>ND - reach
BC - match
Villanova - match</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>thanks anyone else</p>

<p>ND: Reach
BC: Match/low reach
Nova: Match</p>

<p>ND: Reach
BC: Low reach
Nova: Match </p>

<p>Chance me back please
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;