Prospective 2014 mom with questions

<p>txcarol, thanks for the enthusiastic post (and for going through the hassle of renewing your CC membership- fallen off the wagon, eh? so sorry, and welcome back)</p>

<p>D2 made a visit a week and a half ago, and liked it very much. I haven't heard a negative from her about this trip. I didn't go- we had to divide and conquer that weekend, so I didn't get to see her on campus. The friend who toured her around was great, according to my husband, and there were many kindred spirits among the student body, at least by outward appearances. She liked the idea of the block system, and the opportunities for adventures on breaks. </p>

<p>The icing on the cake is that one of her girlfriends a year ahead of her, from a state far from us, has decided to attend there this fall. This will give my daughter a really good visit in the fall, and if this plays out the way I think it might, CC should be at the top of the list.</p>

<p>This kid is very wary of admitting "love" for anything, so it doesn't surprise me that she is taking this process at her own pace, and with reserved judgement. </p>

<p>I'm cautiously optimistic :)</p>

<p>riverrunner, don't overlook the Early Action option that Colorado College offers. It is such a relief to get a non-binding acceptance early in the year. If nothing else, it may allow you to drop some applications with late deadlines that are lower on the list (if you do not need a financial safety at that point).</p>

<p>tk, my hope is she will apply EA to CC. I love the EA option and wish all schools would offer it. This child is a bit of a contrarian, so I generally say little, and hold my breath a lot, sometimes until I turn blue. I'm afraid I'll be back here in October looking for peer support....</p>

<p>We’ll be visiting CC next week, so I’m reviewing this thread for ideas on what not to miss. Sounds like there is more than enough to fill the couple days that we have. CC is somewhat unique in that it is located hundreds of miles from the nearest LACs also on my son’s list (Whitman, Carleton, Grinnell). And it’s certainly not like New England where there’s always another LAC to see just down the road. I think the admissions people at CC can be confident in the fact that the people who come from out of state to visit CC do not do so on a whim!</p>

<p>Please let us know how your visit goes…hope it is a good one!</p>

<p>Your son has a great list.</p>

<p>My S, now a rising junior, chose to accept CC over Carelton and is very happy with his decision. He works summers at a camp outside Colorado Springs and is taking his free block this summer as we speak. FYI–each student at CC gets one block w/out charge.</p>

<p>I’ll email him and try to get the name of the places where we ate within walking distance of campus back in May when I took him a load of stuff for his apartment. </p>

<p>BTW-- there is a Summer Dance Festival going on at the campus while you are there. CC is some what unique since it is a small LAC but has a fairly extensive Arts program.</p>

<p>thanks for everyone who posted here, it was so helpfull for a prosepective student.</p>