Prospective 2014 mom with questions

<p>Hello All,</p>

<p>D2 is visiting CC this Sunday with my DH. She will have an informal tour with a friend of D1, who is now a student there. I will not be along to orchestrate the visit. Dang.</p>

<p>Given that they won't be able to attend a class, and will be somewhat at the whim of the friend when it comes to "what to see" can you give me some suggestions of things not to miss? And please give me an idea of whether CC is a selectivity match for her, and whether it might be a fit.</p>

<p>She is probably going to start out as a social sciences major (and will change majors 2-3 times, sigh). She rock climbs A LOT, both in gyms and outdoors, also skis, backpacks, runs, slacklines, sits under trees, etc. She loves to travel and will be looking for a semester/year abroad. She has near-mastery of a second language. She likes SUN, but can tolerate cold, just not a string of overcast/rainy days.</p>

<p>Academically, she's a 3.9-4.0ish weighted, no SAT yet, but ACT is in the CC range. She accomplishes this with little or no studying because she is very busy sitting under trees. She does read, write, and perform music for her own pleasure, and has a strong sense of social justice that plays itself out in some public service acts, all of her own design. Did I mention she's a middle child?</p>

<p>I think the block schedule would work for her, but I'm very curious to hear how students she will meet this weekend will portray it to her.</p>

<p>She's got a phobia about New England because her sister already took that region of the US, so we're seeking small LAC's with strong academic programs, and lots of outdoorsy kids and weekend adventure opportunities, probably west of the Mississippi. She's also a big fan of alternative music, and will require access to a good small music venue from time to time. Ingrid Michaelson, for example.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance for your thoughts about CC, or suggestions for other schools.</p>

<p>I literally just got out of the vehicle returning from driving from Dallas to visit my soph S at CC. The temperature was wonderful Sunday and the sun was out. On Sunday we went to the nearby (walking distance) old downtown Colorado Springs to get something for lunch. We sat outside and got to view the fabulous assortment of college characters you'd expect.</p>

<p>It is your picture-book near campus place. Bakeries, off the wall, hole in the wall and student friendly cafes/bistros, music shops (CD's and places selling instruments), unique bookstores, outdoor gear store.</p>

<p>My S pointed out the small (120 people) venue where he and a friend did the live dance accompanying a music performance by a local talent. We discussed hip hop because there is another thread on CC about whether a hip hop kid would find her or himself at home at CC. According to my S--Yes.</p>

<p>My S works at an overnight camp in the summers (in Colorado) and teachs high ropes courses. He loves to ski, hike, rappel. Sounds like your D. I asked him about his CC academic courses and particularly the quality of professors. He said in the 16 courses he has now taken he has only had one prof who he felt was anything less than excellent and stimulating.</p>

<p>I also asked him about "adjuncts" which are the 1/4 block courses that are offered every block. It lets you focus on a very narrow aspect of any interest. They are in the afternoon or evening so they do not interfere with the block course. So your daughter should enjoy the flexibility of these adjuncts.</p>

<p>My S found his college "group" in the Arts kids, although my S is doing a double major (Mathematical Economics and Dance). He has other people outside the immediate group who are more ski crazed and he fits skiing into his time with these people. He likes to get away and they use the CC remote cabins fairly frequently to chill out on the weekend.</p>

<p>I think a laid back person (female or male) who likes outdoors stuff and can handle the academics will thrive at CC.</p>

<p>If you want more info on specifics, college admission scores and grades at CC, you can pm me.</p>

<p>Thanks for this encouraging post, 07DAD. I'll forward it to my daughter. She is very much a person who has to experience a place before she could consider living there, so I'm very much hoping this weekend goes well. Your enthusiastic description of CC will impress her, I'm sure. </p>

<p>Where does this weekend fall in the CC schedule? I guess I could look this up, but while I have your attention, when will your son be released for summer/when are the last finals?</p>

<p>thanks again.</p>

<p>Your daughter sounds like a perfect fit for CC, posterchild really.</p>

<p>Suggest (if she is suggestible) that she take a few notes on what she likes best during her visit. This will help her when she gets to the "Why CC" portion of her application. It is good to be specific and sound like you really know the school. </p>

<p>Also, you say that she is having an "informal tour". She should be sure to sign in with the Admissions Office and do something with them if at all possible, thus showing them the strength of her interest. (Many LAC's care about this.)</p>

<p>07DAD gave a great review. I'll just add that my son loves it. Also, if you would like to see more parent reviews, check out this:</p>

<p>Colorado</a> College - College Reviews - The College Search -</p>

<p>Look soon, though, as the site is closing in a few days.</p>

<p>Let us know what she thinks. There is nothing like a visit, and I'd really trust her gut reaction.</p>

<p>After reading Riverrunner's first post, it is hard to imagine any other school coming as close as CC to being a perfect fit. Where else would this dear girl possibly apply? Whitman maybe?</p>

<p>"Very busy sitting under trees". I love it!</p>

<p>riverrunner--the last (8th block) ends on Wed., May 13th. That means next Sunday is the Sunday before finals/final projects. Suggest that your D keep that in mind since there may be more of a "finals" mentality and activities that weekend.</p>

<p>RR--you mentioned "don't miss" ideas. One of the reasons I didn't visit schools with my S after he started to get serious about different colleges (the summer before his HS senior year) was that I figured that no matter how hard I tried to guess what was the 2 or 3 "wow" things to my S, I'd miss. He visited CC alone his senior year and stayed in the dorms with a friend.</p>

<p>So, if I was there with my HS student for a day, I'd consider letting my student and the current CC student go off and only meet later to provide the "pocket book" experience (paying for food). </p>

<p>Dad in the dorm is NOT going to result in the same experience for your D as her being there with just another student.</p>

<p>For all outdoors people, one sure thing is the view of Pikes Peak from all over campus and I really like the stream that runs on the edge of the campus. As with all real estate--- location, location, location!</p>

<p>Agree with 07DAD.</p>

<p>S and I did the school tour and meeting, but then I dropped him with a friend-of-a-friend and didn't see him till the next evening.</p>

<p>Don't know about finals mentality, but the last block has an extra dose of partying.</p>

<p>I was afraid this might be pre-finals weekend. I do plan to send her back to CC for a couple of days during summer or fall, assuming she likes it on this first visit. I agree with you all who say kids can't fully evaluate schools with their parents in tow. </p>

<p>Do you know if many kids are on campus for summer blocks? It's tempting to look at a summer visit, but sometimes campuses are so dead, they sell themselves short. I know CC offers summer credit for highschoolers, but not sure if the schedule will work for her to commit to a whole block. Some on this thread have had good experiences with that program, though.</p>

<p>Thanks for the further information.</p>

<p>I'm betting your D is the kind who will have a strong intuitive hit about schools.</p>

<p>I doubt summer is a good time to judge. With this visit and another possible in the fall to confirm if she is unsure, she'll be fine.</p>

<p>Summer may not be totally representative, but there are a lot of things going on at the campus other than HS programs. There are traditional summer blocks of College academic courses. And, there is the Summer Festival of Arts. My S is getting a break from the summer camp where he works to participate in the July Dance Festival, but there is also Drama and music offered.</p>

<p>Colorado</a> College | Summer Festival of the Arts</p>

<p>Thanks for the links, 07DAD and Canadianmom. The photographs were very helpful, and I was impressed with the number of performances/workshops on the campus this summer. I saw several offererings that would be of interest to D2.</p>

<p>How do you think the loss of football, softball and water polo will impact CC? Of course, they are not alone in making these tough decisions. From my daughter's point of view, no football is no problem, but not sure how this will play out at CC....</p>

<p>And hearing of a student majoring in econ and dance made her smile. She loves the unexpected.</p>

<p>RR--Well it was unexpected to me too, but I've seen his choreography (IMO his strength) and he LOVES it. I have a client who is a highly regarded graduate school mathematical econ professor who said "it makes sense" when I told him of my S's choices. Music, dance, choreography and advanced economic all have related structural bases. It also was a great way to meet people.</p>

<p>I think that there are people at CC who really are upset about the loss of these sports. But according to my S, it isn't a huge number of students who are voicing this. As you probably know, these aren't the "focus" sports at CC.</p>

<p>On the whole, CC hasn't had to do a massive reduction in academics, so I think the school is OK.</p>

<p>"From my daughter's point of view, no football is no problem"</p>

<p>My son's feelings, too. I think the sports were a loss for those involved, but there was little support from the general student body.</p>

<p>Now hockey is another thing!</p>

<p>Also, club and IM sports are VERY well attended and I'm glad the school is keeping their resources there.</p>

<p>Many schools (including MIT) are doing big reductions in funding of sports.</p>

<p>07DAD, do you know if hockey is a money maker at CC? From ticket sales or alumni giving or??</p>

<p>We hope to visit in July. Any suggestions on where to stay? Thanks.</p>

<p>sunmachine-- is this a family group visit? And, are you looking for "wow" or affordable/near campus. Also, will you have a car?</p>

<p>Just me and my son. Affordable and near campus is nice - we'd like to get the flavor of the college in the day and a half that we have. We have a car.</p>

<p>I stay at the EconoLodge because it is cheap and a short walk from campus. However, it is a very basic & small motel room with two double beds, maybe a mini fridge & TV, and not much else. Plug-in for computers, not wireless.</p>

<p>If you want something more upscale, the Colorado College site lists lots of places.</p>

<p>Econo Lodge Downtown<br>
714 N. Nevada Ave.<br>
Colorado Springs, CO 80903 </p>

<p>Phone: (719) 636-3385<br>
Fax: (719) 447-1378
Email: <a href=""></a></p>

i litereally had to re-register just to post this. have been out of the selection process for a year after placing two sons over four years. 07 dad gave a great review. my son, who is finishing his freshman year, will be one of the kiddos jumping up and down yelling "GO HERE!!" your DD sounds like a great fit. i can't begin to tell you how much son loves this school! the NON snob factor is higher than most of the ultra selectives, great mix of great kiddos. son began his frehsman year with one of the orientation trips followed by a great geology class then ended the block with a FOOT trip. IMeaning, in his first 6 weeks on campus he spent 6 out of the classroom. i think he was camping below aspen, geology in new mexico, arizona and near Telluride - just his kida thing. so the sitting under a tree or waterfall or beside a mountain lake is very much part of the education here. son has joined several clubs, plays a sport and is having the time of his life! he has already told me he really does not look forward to coming home next week and cant wait to get back. </p>

<p>as for hotels, i too stay at the econolodge (confirming that i am NOT one of the 70% of families paying full tuition). the Econologe could be cleaner, but it is close, convenient and cheap!! i save my $$ for walks down tejon street and some of the nice downtown restaurants. </p>

<p>make sure to take the short drive out to Maniotou Springs and Old Colorado City to get that hip boho factor vibe. i also always take a short hike around Garden of the Gods. </p>

<p>my son wanted a bike within days of arrival, and since town is so close he is pretty independent in terms of getting off campus for sundries, banking, off-campus lunches, etc. </p>

<p>i can tell you that this is not a school for everyone, but if it is a fit for your daughter, she will never look back. son got into several more prestigious schools but has NEVER regreted this decision. there is a reason they have a 96% retention rate. </p>

<p>CC rocks! hope she loves it as much as my family does.</p>

<p>Garden of the Gods is a must-see when you visit. The Air Force Academy was also surprisingly interesting, especially their 4 beautiful chapels (in one building).</p>

<p>One of the funniest things I've seen is some kids rock climbing at G of the G. There was a guy hanging off a rock by a rope......and talking on his cell phone!</p>

<p>Thanks for the hotel (and other) suggestions. Econo Lodge it is! Unfortunately, CC does not offer overnights or class visits during the summer session, but hopefully we'll be able to find something going on on campus. I think they have a music/and or dance festival during the week in July when we plan to visit.</p>