Prospective Athlete's Profile? (Transfer Applicant asking)

<p>Hi everyone.
What's the prospective athlete's profile? On Harvard's Athletics Department's website( Prospective</a> Student-Athletes -—Official Web Site of Harvard University Athletics) , the NCAA/DivisionI rules state:
Academic Clearance First, to compete at the NCAA Division I level, all incoming freshmen must be certified by the NCAA Clearinghouse. The Clearinghouse is an agency that provides initial-eligibility certification for all first-year student-athletes. To receive certification from the Clearinghouse, you must meet the following requirements: </p>

<p>Graduate from high school
A minimum sum score on the ACT or minimum combined score on the SAT
A high school grade point average of at least 2.0 (on a 4.0 scale) in a core curriculum of 14 courses. These include the following core courses**:
English - 4 years
Math - 2 years
Natural/Physical Science (incl. 1 lab) - 2 years
Social Science - 2 years
Additional English, Math or Natural/Physical Science - 1 year
Additional Academic Courses (from any category above, or foreign language, social studies, philosophy, computer science) - 3 years
To be cleared by the Clearinghouse, American students must complete the student release form and foreign students must complete the Foreign Student Application, which are both available at NCAA</a> Eligibility Center Online. In addition, you must send an official high school transcript demonstrating proof of graduation and SAT/ACT test scores to the Clearinghouse from your high school. </p>

<h2>**NOTE: In 2008, the number of core courses required will increase from 14 to 16. To be cleared by the Clearinghouse in 2008, prospective students must have completed three years of math and four years of extra courses. </h2>

<h2>-Does that rule vary per school? (especially where the gpa concerned?)</h2>

<p>And Also: </p>

<p>Transfer Students </p>

<p>I'm thinking about transferring to Harvard from another school, and I would like to compete for the Crimson. What should I do? </p>

<p>You must obtain a written release from your school's Compliance Office and fax it to Nathan Fry, Harvard's Assistant Director of Athletics for Compliance, at 617-496-9950. We are not allowed to speak with you until we receive this release, which gives us permission to contact you. Once we obtain this form, we will call you to discuss next steps. </p>

-I stated on my application that I would like to play soccer. This summer I plan on being coached (probably going to a camp or something) to get my skills improved.
I did send in that Compliance form being asked for. What would be the next steps if/when they call?</p>

<p>If you are currently in college/university. There's a high chance that you have alrerady fulfilled the NCAA Clearinghouse criterias. </p>

<p>For the compliance/release issue, if you are currently playing for your college team, you NEED to get an athletic department sporting release so that you can make contact with the respective coaches. </p>

<p>Btw, please understand that Harvard's soccer team is the best in the Ivys. From what you have written, it doesn't seem like you have much experience. The guys on the varsity consist of players who have player junior MLA teams, foreign players who have played for their nation. When you say you plan on being coached this summer, you may not be what the coaches are looking for.</p>