<p>I will be applying to law schools two years from now and I have a few questions about the process. In all honesty, I'm only interested in attending either Harvard, Stanford, or Yale Law. I can see it is a very grueling process, and I plan on preparing early. However, I do have some questions.</p>
<p>I have been attending a community for the past three years. I first enrolled in my local CC when I was 14, concurrently with high school. Although I applied as a junior for transfer for 09, I think I'm going to be staying home for an extra year. I've changed my major since last November so I have three extra classes to take, I also want to spend some more time on my own personal development (I'm 17). </p>
<p>1) Does attending a community college and then transferring significantly affect one's chances of admission to law school? What about the time spent at the CC?</p>
<p>I will be starting my fourth year at CC. I've changed my major from Econ to Business, to now Math/Physics. I need to only take three more classes to fulfill all my pre-reqs. I was told that staying at a CC for too long may look bad for grad school admissions. I plan on explaining my situation in my application, but does this really make a huge difference?</p>
<p>2) Does courseload/unit count hold significant weight in law school admissions?</p>
<p>Because I was attending high school at the beginning of my CC career, I was only taking 8-9 units a semester for that first year. The following year (my second year) I took a full course load of 20+ units per semester. In my third year (this current one) I only took 8 units in the Fall semester, and 10 units this Spring. I also did summer sessions of ~7 units. My totals were 25 units 1st yr (while I was attending highschool), 55 units 2nd yr, and 21 units this third year (all of these unit counts include summer sessions). I've already accumulated ~100 semester units, and plan on only taking an additional 10 units combined over this summer and fall. I won't be taking any classes spring 2010 or summer 2010, instead I will be actively participating in community service and work. As a result, for my fourth year, I will only have 7-10 units total. Despite all those units, I will still be transferring as a junior for 2010. Am I totally screwed with all these irregularities? I'll do my best to explain the situation.</p>
<p>3) How does LSAC deal with Withdrawls, Repeats, P/F?</p>
<p>Last semester I withdrew from a course that I had an A in. I withdrew from it because I was only taking the class for fun and felt like I wasn't learning anything. I didn't want to spend more time on it. I also have two other withdrawals due to abrupt schedule-conflicts. My school reports all withdrawals as a simple W. LSAC won't incorporate those classes in my GPA correct? I also took one course for P/F (which I Passed), this too won't be counted in my GPA right? Or will it count as a C? I also repeated one course that I got an unsatisfactory grade in and got an A, are there any cases/instances where LSAC would not include a failing grade in their GPA calculation?</p>
<p>To summarize, I have 3 Ws, 1 Pass, and 1 Unsatisfactory grade that I later received an A in. How would LSAC incorporate these grades in my overall GPA?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance for your responses. I appreciate the help.</p>