<p>Okay, so, I feel like I keep repeating myself when giving college advice, so I’m going to put it all down here in one area. </p>
<p>note: these aren't in order of importance.</p>
<p>First, some facts about UVa.
1. There is no ED/EA. If you don’t know the difference between the two, look it up.
2. UVa stands for the University of Virginia. not the university of vermont.
3. There is no premed/prelaw/preprofessional major.
4. You DO NOT apply to the School of Commerce as an incoming first year. If you try to check this on your first year application, then it will automatically put you in CLAS. Don’t freak out.
5. If you have a question that pertains specifically to you (meaning, the answer would depend upon your situation) then call the necessary office at the school. I can’t tell you about your financial aid package. Don’t post it on CC thinking we would know (or call for you.)
6. We here at CC: UVa Edition, really do enjoy your questions/comments. But we enjoy them much more when the answer is NOT a simple Google search.
7. Notes</a> from Peabody: The UVA Application Process Read it. Enjoy it. But don’t expect Dean J to chance you. She won’t do it there, and she most certainly won’t do it here. She contributes her vast knowledge in other ways by giving info on local food places, answering questions that are related to admissions where the answer is a fact, and giving her opinion on things happening on UVa grounds. She’s really nice. But if she sees any more questions about likely letters, I think her head may implode. (if you don’t know what they are, check this website: [Google[/url</a>] or better yet, look at the admissions blog)
<p>Now some general things.
1. CLAS=college of arts and sciences. SEAS= school of engineering and applied science.
2. The best thing to make your life less stressful, is to research EVERYTHING you can about the schools your applying to. Make an informed decision.
3. When we give you advice, we don’t do it with a malicious intent; we don’t know you. So, if we are harsh, then it’s for your own good. Take it or leave it.
4. Don’t be intimidated by the college admissions process or colleges or any other idea for that matter. Stick to what you know and you’ll be fine. The more you believe the hype, the more stressed you will be.
5. Remember to keep things in perspective.
6. TALK TO YOUR PARENTS/FAMILY. They live in the same house. They shouldn’t have to adjust their moods based on your Godzilla like mood swings. And remember that your parents paid for the house. So telling them to leave your room means nothing because it’s actually theirs unless you are paying rent. They shouldn’t have to avoid you like the plague. So be amiable.
7. On the talking note, keep open lines of communication with your parents. See how much they would be willing to pay for your education and what their preferences are in terms of a college. You don’t have to take their suggestions, but they’ll feel pretty good that you asked them.
8. You’ll be spending the next four years of your life at the college you pick. So, don’t pick something solely on academics. Look into things like social life, student organizations, surrounding area, etc. On the flipside, keep academics in mind.
9. Figure out the best way for you to learn NOW. Otherwise you’ll waste all of first semester trying to figure it out. If making flash cards or singing a song works, find out before you go to college.
10. Don't base your admissions decision/chances based upon one person. There's a good chance that person has a different situation than you and it changes the dynamics/chances of each application.
11. Don't compare yourself with others on CC. People on CC really don't represent the norm.
12. GET SOME SLEEP. wasting your sleep to "perfect" your essay will end up with you on Facebook all night and wasting a good few hours of rest. Sleep is extremely important. Don't take it for granted. And if you really want to perfect that essay, get some sleep and do it on the weekend or when you have time.
13. Unless you know for a fact that you want to go to X school and you've talked it over with the parties involved (parents) and there's no chance in hell you would go to Z, A, B and Y school if you got in, then apply Early Decision. But if you have some doubts, DON'T. Save yourself the agony and let someone who really wants to get in take that spot.
14. DO NOT BOMBARD ADMISSIONS WITH STUPID QUESTIONS. contrary to popular belief, there are stupid questions. stupid questions would be like, how many recommendations should I send? Should I send Ms. Jenkins or Mr. Bonkins? Should I do [insert something that can be answered with a Google search.] Really, if colleges keep a tally of when you called their admissions office, I would mark you down because of your idiocy. If it's a real question that might affect your application/admissions decision, THEN call. During a time not too long ago, people used to put together an application, send it in the mail, and then wait for a few months for their decision. They didn't have an "application tracking" website to stalk.
15. Don't stalk the admissions officer for your area. It would stink if they had a restraining order against you.
16. If your application asks for X amount of things (like 2 recommendations), then send the X amount. If you have the option of sending something else and you feel like it would add to your application, then do it. Don't send excessive amounts of things that, in essence, repeat the same thing again and again. Use every part of your application to show a different part/side of you.
<p>I'll have more for you later. Essays are a completely different ballgame, so expect a post on that soon. Others, please post and add your words of wisdom. (But don't rant on things completely unnecessary or that don't pertain to the topic. and don't put minute details that just make the post longer and will elicit a hostile response from others....you know who you are.)</p>
<p>and essays: I am brutal with essays. Really, when reading them, your feelings don't matter to me. So if I compare your ability to write an essay to that of a sloth and swimming, don't take it personally. I do it to fuel your growth. and since half of you seniors will be stalking this website for months to come, here's a preview:
<a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-virginia/488463-so-what-essays-did-you-write.html%5B/url%5D">http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-virginia/488463-so-what-essays-did-you-write.html](<a href="http://www.google.com%5DGoogle%5B/url">http://www.google.com)</a></p>
<p>Prospectives: good luck. And when you go about your college related activities, remember that you are prospective students. So keep things in perspective. Happy hunting.</p>
<p>P.S. I did not put the !@#$% to censor myself. I put it there so you'll take notice.</p>