PSA - Program for System Admissions

@Thelma2 I am just very confused by all of this! I have looked through all of the PSA links & info. Neither of her major choices are listed on the info.

@Mommydoodle She may want to do PTA if her major participates or follow the transfer course sheet for her major and transfer in from another school

@Mommydoodle PTA doesn’t participate in any business major but Nutrition science has a PTA pathway as well as a transfer pathway

She can attend any Community College(s) for the PTA program or transfer from a Community College or University.

Mays transfer is a bit more difficult

Applicants will select lower-level Business (“BUAD”) on the Admissions Application and should identify their intended upper-level major in the application essay. Admitted applicants will enter at the lower level.
Mays admits transfer applicants for summer or fall admission; spring transfer admission is not available.
The Mays transfer admissions decision process for summer and fall admission is generally complete by the end of the prior spring semester. Therefore, a second review with spring grades is not an option for Mays applicants.
`Mays Business School’s undergraduate program is enrollment-managed at all points of entry. As such, transfer applicants are instructed NOT to accept transfer admission to any non-business major with the expectation of later applying for an on-campus change of major to Mays.
Second-choice majors are NOT considered.

Majors for transfer
Management Information Systems
Supply Chain Management

This is all Greek to me! But thank you @Thelma2 for trying to help me. I guess we need to call someone & let them walk us through this.

She already has indicated she does not want community college. So I guess we’ll either talk to them & figure out a way for this to work or she will be headed to Bama!

She doesn’t even know this yet. She is away at an event this evening & I don’t want to drop it on her until she gets home. I know the first reaction will be tears!

@Mommydoodle Best course of action, by far. It is a lot and it will help so much to speak to a live person.

My daughter got PSA too. I have a question that if we accepted the offer now. Is that ok we decide not go later? Because it is hard to make decision between PSA and go to UH or UT Dallas for one year.

In addition, I sent email to Tarleton University and got some information. For last a couple of years, only less than half of the students be able to transfer back to A&M College Station. This number made me hesitate to choose this option. I think keep 3.0 gpa doesn’t seems a very hard thing. Is there any other factors involved in?

@2xAggieMom I remember your kid is in Tarleton right now. Do you have information on how hard the course is? Especially the chemistry.

@texas99 - I would assume that the less than 50% transfer rate could have several factors. One - Students end up liking their PSA campus. Two - A lot of the students with higher scores have plan Bs and Cs - many of which offer $$$$ - So the PSA acceptance students may fall into two very different categories - be very driven to get to college station or not have as high of scores and planned back up options. There is a wide range of rank/scores being offered PSA.

@Texas99 At PSA orientation, they addressed that a good number of PSA students do not end up going to A&M. A large number don’t pay attention to the deadlines for getting their paperwork sent to A&M for the transition. Another percentage love the system school and stay. My older son’s roommate at Corpus decided to go someplace else. (He broke up with the girlfriend who was already at A&M.) And some, indeed, don’t make the grades. My younger son had a high school friend who went to a different PSA school (not Tarleton or CC), had a math professor that did not speak English as his first language, and the friend decided to drop the class. Because it was a bold print class and he had to take both maths before he could go to A&M, he was not able to stay on his degree plan. My son does not think the classes are all that difficult. My oldest son said that A&M was harder than his experience at CC. I think the first year is difficult for most freshman and a lot of students don’t make to the second year regardless of the program.

I got offered psa with my major being Forensic Inv Sc Under the College of Ag. Since my major isn’t under the PSA what should I do?

I said I would come back after my son clicked the button. He accepted the PSA offer and then he was presented with the terms of agreement. After agreeing, he was prompted to select his major. The list of schools were populated before he selected his major. He then selected his choice to “be considered” for admission. You are allowed to select multiple schools but he only selected one.

He was able to select My Letters prior to accepting PSA. The letter is from A&M and gives details of the offer.

You also have the option to go back and update your school selection but I don’t know how long that’s available.

Reposting for newcomers:

All who have majors NOT participating in PSA:
Admissions may still give you PSA. My correspondence with admissions this week on this very topic yielded the below response from them:

"The Program for System Admission (PSA) program is a pathway that we offer students whom we were not able to offer full admission to but wanted to be able to provide an alternative pathway. PSA students complete 24 hours at the system school and if they have a 3.0 GPA and complete the required courses, they will be admitted to Texas A&M for their sophomore year.

You are correct, Visualization will not be a participating major for the 2019-20 school year. We will still offer PSA to students even if they do not have a participating major as a first choice on their application. This is because high school seniors change their mind on their major quite frequently and we want to give them an option to get to A&M."

@TexasTrue this makes it even more confusing! The PSA info on A&M website makes it sounds as if those majors listed are the only options & not to choose one expecting you can change coming it.

I thought it would get better just knowing, but I’m not sure this is better

@Mommydoodle - what I THINK they mean is that some students (like my daughter) are offered PSA even though the major she applied for is not offered.

They do this because maybe what she put back in July on Apply Texas is not what she wants anymore. And maybe she would be happy with one of the majors offered.

I don’t think it means just pick anything - get to TAMU and then transfer in your preferred major.

It is all very confusing & the letter they sent explaining it wasn’t much help either. You would think that with this, they would make it crystal clear instead of all so confusing

Thank you for this ~ I am going to read it to my son.

I @Mommydoodle Go to page 2 of this thread and read my post #20. Because of the way it is worded, it can be confusing. Post 20 gives an example that I hope will help it make sense to you

@Thelma2 thanks. I did read that. But are they not aware that college freshman probably change their mind on majors more than high school seniors? My older daughter changed her major after freshman year. In fact, only one of her friends actually graduated in the major they started with.

So it’s hard to think that if your child chooses this path, they are locked into a major that, once they get started, may not be the right thing for them.

@tisulli Please could you expand more on 'The list of schools were populated before he selected his major" 
do you mean when he selected his major some schools disappeared as possible options for him to select from OR were some system schools already full based on his selection. Thank you!

@Mommydoodle I am sure they are aware that Freshman change their mind about majors but that is not part of the guaranteed admission via a system school program. Full admits get to change their minds, not provisional ones.

This path won’t be right for everyone.

@Mommydoodle - I guess what it boils down to is at some schools it is pretty easy to transfer between majors and at others it is more complicated/difficult. TAMU is one of the schools that is not the easiest - particularly for some majors. There is a sequencing for some majors where their major coursework begins first semester your freshman year - and any delay getting into the program delays your graduation.

So what it boils down to - is if you are not getting into the major your freshman year - you probably would be better off choosing a different school for your path of study.

Speaking specifically about visualization - it is not an easy major to transfer into (NOT saying it can’t be done - but there are few opening every year). The way I figure it - if you did take another PSA to get into TAMU - making sure you take the classes needed for Visualization - you would have to do at least one more semester (Fall sophomore year) until you could transfer into visualization. And even if you got in - you could not start the class Viz majors take fall of their freshman year - until Fall of your junior year - because it is not offered in the spring. So you would be two years behind.