<p>Are they really as harsh as what the handbook Collegeboard gave out specified? </p>
<p>(-1 CR = 79, -1 M= 75, -1W= 76) </p>
<p>Thanks (:</p>
<p>Are they really as harsh as what the handbook Collegeboard gave out specified? </p>
<p>(-1 CR = 79, -1 M= 75, -1W= 76) </p>
<p>Thanks (:</p>
<p>yea probably. The writing section doesnt have an essay portion and it is missing like 10 questions or so. Math is the same thing… and CR seems fine.</p>
<p>Mmm, thanks!
Would you happen to know how high I have to score to get some kind of merit-related thing?</p>
<p>It depends on what state you live in. Here is a link.
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-act-tests-test-preparation/696125-psat-scores-national-merit-semifinalists-2009-h-s-class-2010-a.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-act-tests-test-preparation/696125-psat-scores-national-merit-semifinalists-2009-h-s-class-2010-a.html</a></p>
lkadsfj;dflggsdfg must. get. at. least. a. 217.
I hate having deplorable math skills. ):<</p>
<p>Unfortunately, there are so few questions relative to the SAT that the curve is inevitably harder.</p>
<p>Here are the PSAT data at the top end, which is where the curve varies most dramatically, from 2005-2008. First number is the raw score, followed by the average PSAT score and the historical range of PSAT scores over the last 4 years.</p>
<p>38 80 80-80
37 76 75-77
36 73 72-74
35 71 70-72
34 69 68-70</p>
<p>48 80 80-80
47 79 78-80
46 76 75-80
45 74 73-79
44 74 72-77
43 72 70-75</p>
<p>39 80 80-80
38 77 75-80
37 74 72-78
36 72 70-75
35 70 68-73
34 68 66-71</p>
<p>I hope -1 math is a 77… I’m pretty sure that I only missed one. Maybe two.</p>
<p>^Yeah, me too. The math question about A, B, and X on a plane was one of the tough questions I wasn’t sure about.</p>
<p>Yeah, I think I got that one, but I made a stupid error on the one about xy> x+y…</p>
<p>^What answer did you put for that one?</p>
<p>I put x=3 y=1, but it had to have both integers > 1… I felt so stupid about that one, because I crossed off the other answers with 1 in them. </p>
<p>Maybe it’s because I didn’t get enough sleep last night, lol.</p>