PSAT cut-off in Connecticut in this year

<p>Any idea of cut-off of semi-finalist in connecticut in this year??????????????</p>

<p>i hear its 230 something</p>

<p>last year it was 218</p>

<p>Won’t be announced 'til September.</p>

<p>So, has whether the national average and ish decreased or increased has that info been released</p>

<p>No information yet for the class of 10. Don’t expect to hear anything until late August.</p>

<p>It’s def. not 230-something.</p>

<p>The national average increased by like .4 or something, so ya cutoff scores should increase slightly. But the good news is that you are in Connecticut where there is a large number of PSAT test-takers, so the cutoff should be pritty stable in your state. I’m kinda nervous though cuz im out in NE where the cutoff last year was a 206 (ya we are kinda the “dumb state”): I got a 209. Because my state has a small population, the cutoff score could rise beyond that, so fingers crossed = D.</p>

<p>[PSAT/NMSQT</a> Data Reports](<a href=“]PSAT/NMSQT”>SAT Suite of Assessments – Reports | College Board)
CT scores went down in every category this year - so the score should go down as well, right?</p>

<p>Hey guys = D brought up an interesting point…looking at the data that the collegeboard has released on the PSAT…couldn’t we kind of predict if our cutoff scores will increase or not. For example, in Nebraska… the average 2008 CR score was .7 higher than it was in 2007, the Math score was .8 higher, and the Writing score was .4 higher. Soo does that mean that the cutoff score in NE will be around 1 point higher than it was last year.</p>

<p>I hope you’re right, my states went mostly down too…</p>

<p>I think the highest PSAT cutoff was 221, maybe 222. I know all are under 226. I was checking too.</p>

<p>Not only did the scores in every category go down among CT juniors but fewer juniors took them in 2008 than in 2007.</p>

<p>Which is odd, because my guidance counselors were all like “scores are going way up this year so don’t get your hopes up!”</p>

<p>Are you in CT Ari, because I didn’t look into the other states?</p>

<p>IL, but our scores went down in everything but math</p>