This took me a while to figure out. My kid took the Oct test as a Sophomore. Usually gets 99% in these tests ( has taken SAT and SSAT), the PSAT score was very low comparatively. Percentage in PSAT was top 2% but the SI was extremely low. To get from 98% to 99% and the SI needed would mean virtually no mistakes. Effectively one would have to get only 1-2 wrong to get NMF in our state. And didn’t even look as though it was guaranteed. I had to plug it in several times and do back solving. Looks at though the steep curve means some will be in or out based on a single question or two rather than several wrong questions.
The jump from 98% to 99% ( and SI to meet the threshold was a huge jump of more than 20 points that seemed odd to me).
They really need to work on these tests. My kid is going to take the PSAT/10 test to practice again. I’m actually glad my kid has taken standardized test before and has confidence. Otherwise, this result would have been a shock.
I still don’t get the high % and the low score. Maybe I just read it wrong, maybe a 98% is very common and it’s only between the top 1% of the 1% scores. IDK.