PSAT - questions

<p>Are PSAT scores automatically sent to the colleges/universities that receive the student’s SAT scores? If the PSAT is taken in both the sophomore and junior years, are both sets of scores sent? What information in addition to name, DOB, race, HS, and home address is requested by the College Board for the PSAT?</p>

<p>D is currently a sophomore and will be taking the PSAT next month. Is there a downside in taking the PSAT as a sophomore? D attends a public school across the river in a different state than the one in which we live -next year will this be a problem for possible NM consideration?</p>

<p>I don't know the answers to all your questions, but I do know that the PSAT taken in 10th grade is strictly for practice and to get a general idea of strengths and weaknesses; scores are not sent to colleges. Only the PSAT taken in 11th grade is used to determine National Merit status.</p>

<p>PSAT scores are not included on SAT score reports sent to colleges. SAT II scores and all SAT I scores are sent together, it is not possible to request that some be sent and others be withheld.</p>

<p>wjb is correct, 10th grade PSATs are merely for practice. The scores do not count and are not retained nor used by College Board in determining NM status.</p>

Although PSAT results are not sent by College Board, some high school transcripts include all standardized testing scores taken by students. You will need to check on the NM site, but I think NM status is determined by the cut-off for the location where you attend school, not where you live.</p>

<p>Most colleges HAVE ACCESS to your 10th or 9th grades PSAT because they routinely purchase the lists for early recognition of potential candidates. The impact of this is, however, minimal as PSAT scores are not known to influence acceptances. </p>

<p>FWIW, I would HIGHLY recommend everyone to check with the persons responsible for sending out transcripts and INSTRUCT them officially to delete ALL tests scores from your transcripts. No matter what they say, this information is YOURS and you have the right to decide how the information is distributed. The main reason for doing this is that the high school might report your scores incorrectly but have no responsibility for the errors. Since the scores sent by your school are NOT official nor accepted by the colleges, there is no reason whatsoever to have them displaying the information. An alternative is to block your high school's access to your PSAT, SAT and SAT Subject Tests scores by refusing to give your HS information or contact the College Board. I am, however, not sure if this would stop the entire flow. </p>

<p>The rule of thumb when dealing with your records is to trust nobody but yourself. Do not let your high school send out a single document that you did not have access for verification. They can seal the envelopes in front of you! Making sure the colleges receive the correct information in a timely manner is your responsibility.</p>

<p>Xiggi -- I absolutely agree with you re the fact that school's should not routinely include test scores on transcripts. But what if a college is used to getting transcripts from this particular HS -- won't they pick up on the fact that the transcript in question is missing the scores?</p>

<p>The scores are sent directly from the CB and this is the only version that colleges accept.</p>

<p>The colleges don't have access to any students' PSAT scores except for those that high schools put on transcripts. When colleges by lists of students based on PSAT scores, they get those lists based on ranges of PSAT scores. They don't get to know the students' exact scores.</p>

<p>My impression is that the ranges are fairly broad. I found out about this once when I called the College Board to find out whether it was possible to buy lists for a scholarship program that I was working with.</p>



<p>Our local hs used to send SAT scores on the transcript, but has quit doing so. Reason: colleges only accept the College Board sent results, so why bother to go through the trouble of putting them on the transcript. So I don't think colleges think twice if SAT scores are not on the transcript.</p>

<p>I agree with ellemenope. In fact, S's h.s. does not put PSAT, etc. scores on transcripts.</p>

<p>Thanks ALL!
Am I correct in assuming the College Board does NOT forward specific student information or PSAT scores to colleges/universities? Are the schools just given a list of names and addresses for the purpose of future mailings?</p>


<p>on the psat app, there is a box for the college selection service (or something like that). If a student checks 'participate', then his/her scores are sent to all colleges that request them (I wouldn't be surprised if they pay CB for the service). But, psat scores are only used for marketing purposes. As others have noted, psat do not affect admissions, unless one is a NMF (for some schools), nor are they included on the official SAT score reports sent out later (for which you pay after the four freebies).</p>

<p>Our District does not include any test scores (psat, SAT/ACT, nor state tests) on the HS transcript. Heck, I dont' know why they would waste their time and resources doing so.</p>

Their scores are not sent to colleges. As I mentioned before, colleges and similar places can purchase lists of students fitting certain characteristics which can include students within certain ranges of scores; students in certain zip codes, students of certain races or genders, etc. The colleges, however, don't get information about students' exact scores.</p>

<p>Students do have to check a box on the PSAT or SAT indicating it's OK for the College Board to share this information with colleges.</p>