PSAT Score

<p>My high school has them (I saw our counselor with a HUGE sheet of paper that had everyone's scores on it) but they're holding out on us. :P. I guess the counselor wants to look through them before he gives them out.</p>

<p>^^why didn't you check yours while you had the opportunity?</p>

<p>Cdimauro, don't worry. I had similar PSAT scores to your Son as a Soph (I got a 180). Two years later, I have a much better SAT score (2030). Your son should see a rise in his scores from Soph PSAT to the SAT, even without practice. However, if he practices, he could pull of a 2100+. </p>

<p>(By the way, a 183 is a very good score for a sophomore. That is above average for Seniors, so it is definitely good for a 10th grader).</p>

<p>I got a 181 last year (my sophmore year). I haven't gotten my results back yet this year, but it was much easier than last year for me. It's amazing how much you can learn in a year!</p>

<p>I got a 223 as a soph...haven't gotten this year's, I need to go harass my counselor about it (nicely). He's a new transfer, though, so I don't know if he'd be willing to bend the rules and show me "early"...</p>

<p>Fizix, I know my scores already, no worries. =)</p>

<p>I got a 130, and im a sophmore. Going to study hard for next year.</p>

<p>A 183 for a sophomore is above average. As long as he preps a bit for next year, he can definitely make the cut-off for NM...although it's honestly not that important. :P</p>

<p>I had a sophomore score close to that of your son (189) and it went up to a 222 the next year with a lot of studying; it's definitely possible, if you're worried. :]</p>

<p>I didnt get mine yet. I hear that someone will be coming in to tell us about them in the coming weeks.</p>

<p>The PSAT doesnt count, correct?</p>

<p>I got a 198 as a sophomore and a 196 (haha) as a junior and I ended up with a 2040 on the SAT as a junior. I never did any prep or anything, which definitely shows in my abysmal math score.</p>

<p>For a sophomore, it's a very solid score. When he takes the PSAT as a junior, he'll likely score above 200 and perhaps, depending on which state you live in, qualify for the National Merit Scholarship Program.</p>