PSAT Score

<p>My son just got his sophmore PSAT good, bad or in the middle?</p>

<p>i say its really good. i m a sophomore too and imo the test was very hard.</p>

<p>It's not really good, but it's above average. Multiply that score by 10 and that's what the score is supposed to be in terms of the SAT (1830/2400).</p>

<p>Just to note, the SAT isn't comparable for kids in his grade level - the test material is the same, but the curve is made for the juniors and seniors who are the majority of test takers. The PSAT is based on junior year scores...for a sophomore, he's above average. There should be percentiles on his score report, so those should give you a better idea.</p>

<p>I got a 164 :( Your son's score is above average.</p>

<p>your son's score is above average...average is about 1600</p>

<p>Does anyone know why we have to wait until learn what each state's cutoff is for NM semi-fin status?</p>

<p>One of my friends asked hte teacher to go over the problems and he just changed</p>

<p>Sebmom, that's just the way the program works. Here's are links to some helpful info on Carleton College's site:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a>
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>We haven't received the psat scores yet at my school :( . It might be because we're in the midwest.</p>

<p>I got wayyy below average when I took it a few years back. For those who don't do well...don't fret it. Try taking the Plan test, in my opinion it is much better.</p>

<p>i got 189 last year with no prep or any clue wut the test would be like. and that was like 91st percentile of jrs. dont fret.</p>

<p>you know when cali-la area get their results?</p>

<p>High schools generally get the scores during the first 2 weeks of December. I don't believe they're mailed out by region. Some schools wait until after the holidays to distribute scores to the students. You might want to ask your counselor or principal if they have them yet.</p>

<p>I haven't gotten mine yet! I really want to see it. I know I'm only a Sophomore, but I want to know if I even have a chance of being a National Merit Scholar next year.</p>

<p>I got mine. 177. Awful</p>

<p>Still waiting.....</p>

<p>and waiting.....</p>

<p>and then some more.......</p>

<p>^Same here.</p>

<p>got a 212 as a soph</p>

<p>A 183 translates into a 1220 on the old SAT. In Florida a 1270 (+ sufficient GPA) will qualify you for an excellent scholarship at a state university.</p>