<p>I 've seen the cut offs for the semifinalists for PSAT,</p>
<p>but what about for international students? do they get any scholarships?</p>
<p>Do they have a cutline?</p>
<p>I 've seen the cut offs for the semifinalists for PSAT,</p>
<p>but what about for international students? do they get any scholarships?</p>
<p>Do they have a cutline?</p>
<p>I believe you’re not qualified if you’re an international, i.e. you won’t be considered for the scholarships available through the PSAT.</p>
<p>Last year’s cutoff for international students studying in US high schools was 221. See this thread for last year’s list of cutoffs:
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/1061009151-post571.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/1061009151-post571.html</a></p>
<p>The cutoff scores for current juniors who took the Oct 2008 test will be announced in September 2009. </p>
<p>And here’s a link to one NMSC document that provides details re: an international student’s status for qualification. <a href=“http://www.nationalmerit.org/Merit_R&I_Leaflet.pdf[/url]”>http://www.nationalmerit.org/Merit_R&I_Leaflet.pdf</a></p>