Where do you keep psychiatric medication if you live in a dorm? Is it locked up or do you keep it in your room?
What medications are you on? Do people without the disorder tend to use/abuse them? There are different security precautions for something like adderall and ritalin versus lithium(bipolar medication not abused by the general public). If these medications are in demand among students who don’t have the psychiatric condition, locking them up or hiding them is a good idea. If the only people who take it are those with the actual condition, then simply storing it wherever in your dorm is fine.
I have bipolar disorder and take Invega (which no one has probably heard of but is very expensive), Lamictal, and cogentin (which isn’t actually a psychiatric drug and would at most give someone who took to much of it an incredibly dry mouth). I don’t believe that any of these are abused by those without the illness, as they would have terrible side effects should someone take too much and would not be in any way desirable.
As a college student, you are an adult and are in charge of your own medications. It’s not like high school where they had to be locked in the office and administered by a staff member. @whenhen has good advice, although it sounds like your meds wouldn’t be an issue. When D went back to school after surgery with prescriptions for some drugs that are often stolen/abused, I advised her to not let others know she had these meds. She kept all her meds in a lockbox and used a daily pill caddy to carry around each day’s dosage.
It’s always best to keep any medications out of sight, just to be on the safe side, but it doesn’t sound like you should need to worry about locking yours away.
Thanks for the advice!
Those medications don’t sound like the type that anyone would want to steal in the first place, so you can probably keep them wherever. If you had ritalin or xanax or something like that, it might be different.