<p>Due to the financial thing,, i don't think i can afford expensive private schools(whose tuitions are like $30,000 omg...)
though i wanted to go LACs to have closer relationships with professors & friends.
so i'm looking for some public schools similar to LACs... i'm gonna major in Political Science.
Can you plz recommend for me?</p>
<p>William & Mary.</p>
<p>William and Mary for sure.
Also, here’s a list of some public LAC’s…
[Council</a> of Public Liberal Arts Colleges - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council_of_Public_Liberal_Arts_Colleges]Council”>Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges - Wikipedia)</p>
<p>The bad news is that unless the public school is instate for you, it may cost about as much as a private school. And it may take <em>very</em> few OOS students.</p>
<p>Two public schools I’ve heard mentioned favorably as either LACs or LAC-like are St Mary’s College of Delaware and the University of Vermont. </p>
<p>Would you mind sharing what state you live in?</p>
<p>What state are you in?</p>
<p>Miami University of Ohio also comes to mind, the but the KING of public LACs is the College of William and Mary.</p>
<p>Here’s a bit more on a previous thread:</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-search-selection/595366-small-publics.html?highlight=evergreen[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-search-selection/595366-small-publics.html?highlight=evergreen</a></p>
<p>W&M comes to mind, like a lot of people have said.
DunninLA, I agree, Miami (OH) resembles a LAC.</p>
<p>Mary Washington is an often overlooked public LAC in Virginia, and it’s very affordable for out of state students.
Minnesota-Morris is a lower tier public LAC that costs the same for in state and out of state students.</p>
<p>SUNY Geneseo</p>
<p>i’m an international student.</p>
<p>New College of Florida</p>
<p>Honors colleges in big public schools would probably be similar. I would also consider going to a “worse” school than you can get into and thus get some merit aid.</p>
<p>W&M is the only public college that compares to schools like Davidson, Haverford, or Amherst.</p>
<p>Be aware that even most of the public LACs are fairly medium-sized; you won’t find many with enrollments below 3000. William & Mary, for example, is about the size of Brown (5700 undergrads, 2000 grads).</p>
<p>Being an Ohioan, I’d strongly disagree with comparing Miami of Ohio to a LAC. I know from my own recruitment that they definitely like to brand themselves that way, but the reality is much different.</p>
<p>At the end of the day, ■■■■, has 16K undergraduates of whom 2/3 major in either business or education. That hardly sounds like an Oberlin or Kenyon. Yes, it’s true that Miami is largely undergraduate focused, but a simple lack of graduate/research programs does not a LAC make.</p>
<p>Winthrop University has 5000 students, not sure what the breakdown of majors is, according to collegeboard 20% do business and 19% do education. They are also very undergrad based. So, basically, a less selective ■■■■ in South Carolina</p>
<p>I strongly strongly recommend you look at the University of Minnesota Morris. Has always been a public liberal arts college.</p>
<p>[UMM</a> | International Students](<a href=“http://www.morris.umn.edu/prospective/international/index.html]UMM”>http://www.morris.umn.edu/prospective/international/index.html)</p>
<p>This college offers Minnesota In State Tuition to everyone. $8230 tuition per year for small classes and close relationships with professors.</p>
<p>[UMM</a> | Prospective | Cost of Education](<a href=“http://www.morris.umn.edu/prospective/scholarships/cost.html]UMM”>http://www.morris.umn.edu/prospective/scholarships/cost.html)</p>
<p>(For people who are not from Vermont, tuition for the University of Vermont is as high as private school tuition.)</p>
<p>Truman State</p>
<p>[Truman</a> State University | The Princeton Review](<a href=“Truman State University - The Princeton Review College Rankings & Reviews”>Truman State University - The Princeton Review College Rankings & Reviews)</p>