<p>So I figured I'd ask you guys this because you guys are smart/from MIT and likely to know:</p>
<p>I've made it my project for the next month to do all the problems in Purcell's Electricity and Magnetism Volume 2. I took a physics course out of the book last year and don't feel like I've earned my passing grade. But it's been kind of a pain in the butt because there's no answer key in the back of the book and only a few of the problems have answers, so I don't know whether I've gotten them right or not. Do you guys know where I could find a solution manual or at least solutions to individual problems? It's not available on amazon.com.</p>
<p>There probably are problem sets and solutions on the MIT OpenCourseware site. Look for 8.022 or 8.024 (I think they changed the last digit to 4.) This course uses the Purcell book. They aren't all Purcell problems--but they are at that level.</p>