Purdue Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

got in cs with honor college ,4.0/4.57/ 1570/35


Yes - it was in the 2nd paragraph of the letter.

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Same here. Worried

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what Engineering? Also Congrats!

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agh im scared to check

I applied Aerospace Engineering and have not heard anything yet. any other engineers hear back, and if so, what type of engineering?

For the accepted students, what is behind the Letters and Documents tab?

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Maybe by 5 pm all updates will be done

did you get in?

How many tabs were there?

Mechanical :slight_smile: (ETA: FYE)

I called Purdue and they say all updates will be finished by tomorrow end of day. By that I assume, updates are still in process and some may not see anything until tomorrow.

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Mine doesn’t look like that, I have change major. Applied CS (as a female) with 1460 SAT and ~4.5 GPA with max rigor

wait are they releasing decisions? nvm they are

Wife is a DS professor and enthusiastically says Purdue DS is outstanding. DS applied to FYE and Polytechnic at Purdue bc she gave a talk there.



4.0 GPA UW, 15 APs expected by the end of high school (9 taken, 8 5s, 1 4)

STEM heavy ECs with some national recognition but definitely not as much as some of the people on here. Also not many pertaining to computer science.

This morning, I didn’t get the 4 parallelograms but I did have the change major option.


My “view your decision” button went away. Smh probably rejected or smth.

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any miracle descisions on this thread?


any decision will be a miracle at this point given that my S22’s status hasn’t changed yet