Purdue Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

It is a travesty for school to talk about 6 yr graduation rates vs 4 yr graduation rates :-). The extra 2 years is lost income and extra tuition. They should have a plan to get kids out in 4 years after charging as much fee as they are charging.

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Many times schools don’t break out the time students are away for co-op or internships. My D will technically graduate in 5 years from Purdue because of her co-op but we’ve only paid for 4 years tuition, and she’s earned a ton of money and amassed invaluable experiences. Purdue’s 4 year graduation rate takes a hit because so many students co-op. Case may be the same.


There are many engineering schools where a lot of students participate in Co Ops which skews the 4 year graduation rates downward. Don’t know if Case is one of those schools, but at Georgia Tech for example, the 4 year graduation rate is under 50 percent due to high participation in Co Ops. The students are earning money and not paying tuition during their work semesters.


It is an interesting point @momofboiler1 and @Greatpyrmom bring up. I never thought about it for Case. I looked at North Eastern, and they had really low 4yr graduation rates which I ascribed to the Coop program. Stepping back I have had mixed feelings about coop programs. Maybe they are necessary in engineering or other fields like Accounting etc. My older son is a CS major, and you feel the coop is unnecessary of you are able to get summer internships because by doing a full year coop, you are leaving some 200k on the table (vs the 40k or so they pay in a coop) in terms of first year pay by staying an extra year in college.

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CS grads from Case and Purdue make $200k per year?

Does anyone know what the acceptance rate to Purdue programs were for this early action cycle, and what the stats and acceptance rates were for FYE

I don’t know about Case, but I wouldn’t be surprised if 20% of Purdue CS would make 200K starting

Purdue’s own career outcomes report refute this. The max salary for a CS grad was $142k. Its absurd to think 20% of CS grads are making $200k on graduation.


So Google, Microsoft, Amazon are around 200k, FB is above that. Unless you are saying that Purdue places zero kids into those 4 (this is just as an example – there are more companies that are starting in this range), the 142k number cannot be correct. It is possible that 142k doesn’t count some part of signon bonus, first year guaranteed bonus, or RSU grants.

Are you saying that Purdue’s career services department is deliberately downplaying CS salary prospects? I know that the all-in compensation can be >$200k at those firms but Purdue placed 2 students at FB, 9 at Amazon, 4 at Google, and 15 at Microsoft. Considering that Purdue has >400 students per CS cohort that’s nowhere near 20%.

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That said - In general, I agree with you that CS prospects out of top schools are great, especially for students in the top 25th percentile. I just think your projections are a bit optimistic and I am an eternal pessimist.

I am just saying the max number cannot be 142k. First of all these are all self-reported numbers. Secondly a much larger cohort of firms pay in that range on the west coast, and some on the east coast as well. To give you a list of others – Stripe, Roblox, Snap, Lyft, Netflix and many more. Bloomberg on the east coast, and Uber are in the 180k range. This is a representative sample. Not an exhaustive one. My older son is a junior in CS and he estimates that 35-40% of his class going into swe roles (different school) will end up at or around that level. Tufts, that we looked closely at recently has about 25% going to companies that pay 150k. Tufts is ranked somewhat lower than Purdue in CS. I would be shocked if Purdue underperformed Tufts in CS placement.

This is one of the reasons why I like how WashU breaks out salary data. They actually show % of students earning above each threshold. For CS, the % of >$100k outcomes was north of 60% if I remember it right.

I also like how Rose Hulman shows CS outcomes with 100% response rates.


I found WashU’s data to be somewhat lacking in this regard. We still applied ED2 there :-). Tufts gives you the number of kids that went into each company, and titles. WashU just gives you the names of the firms – not the numbers for each of those companies.

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That level of granularity is even better of course. Unfortunately Tufts was too far away for my S22. We are sticking to CA + a small handful of OOS such as Purdue, Rose, Michigan (my alma mater) and UIUC (he went to summer camps there). Unfortunately the UCs and CSUs provide very little beyond Mean, Median and %ile specific thresholds. No company names or titles.

Purdue is the same time away from CA as Tufts is. Do you have direct flights into Lafayette? Once you are on a flight, you are on a flight.

He had specific affinity to each one of those OOS and he was unwilling to look into any of the others including WashU which I lobbied for. With respect to Purdue, a lot of his friends ended up there and he knows the program intimately. It’s probably near the top of his wishlist. So distance didn’t seem to matter in this instance.

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I am new to CC. Couldn’t figure out how to how to edit CC posts. Would appreciate if you could tell me how to edit that I just saw you do. But separately, you need to pay attention to the extent of grade deflation that exists for the first year of the undergrad. When you start interviewing for the sophomore summer, you start in Sep/Oct of sophomore year – so it is just freshman grades that matter for getting your resume picked up by a large well known employer. A good (say a FAANG internship for CS kids) sophomore summer internship helps you position yourself for the “correct” junior summer that finally leads you into the desired first job.

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Accepted into Purdue for CS!!! :smiley:


There should be a pen like edit icon at the bottom of your post.