Purdue - Fall 2022 - Deferred from EA

13 admitted off waitlist out of 3442 per the CDS momofboiler1 linked above

I would be shocked if it was that low this year.

For my twin sons, one was waitlisted, one was rejected. No broken hearts…they’d already moved ahead with excitement for other offers.

Hope everyone else is ok with how it turned out for them too.

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Were there not many admits today? I was expecting a lot of deferred CS applicants to get in. Looks like mainly a mix of waitlists and denials.

Don’t know. My sons had applied for aerospace eng and mechanical eng.

Purdue historically fills their entire class in EA. While they did seem to defer more applicants, it’s not unexpected that there were not many admits today, especially for the highly competitive majors.

That makes sense but I just expected at least a couple of acceptances to be reported.

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Also got waitlisted, weird to see no acceptances on CC

Could yall tell me how the decision was written for the people who got waitlisted. I want to compare mine whether all letters are the same.

So my twin that had the 4 boxes today in his application portal was accepted for Engineering. My other twin that only had the 2 boxes today was rejected.

Son offered waitlist for First Year Engineering.

OOS, 1560 SAT, 3.98 GPA, Class VP, Civil Air Patrol Officer, NHS, AP Scholar,
3 Varsity Sports, Tutor, Other ECs

Congrats to all who got accepted today.

I think they accepted too many people from EA sol they literally waitlisted like everyone in rd.

Wow, my son was accepted for FYE with same stats OOS/1560/3.98 back in January. Results seem so random sometimes.
Hang in there. My son is done with this application cycle and ended up with 7 acceptances, but can only attend one school. There will be a lot of movement on the waitlists. Best of luck! :four_leaf_clover:

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Dear [Name]:

The Purdue University Admissions Committee has carefully reviewed your application. You were considered for both your first-choice and second-choice (if one was selected) programs of study. Unfortunately, because of the competitive nature of the applicant pool, we are unable to offer you admission. However, the committee recognizes you have the ability to succeed on our campus in [Major] and would like to offer you a spot on our waitlist for Fall 2022 enrollment.

With greater than 50,000 freshman applications, the Admissions Committee must make difficult decisions. Although Purdue is a large institution, resources are limited and we cannot fill our academic programs beyond their capacity.

To add yourself to our waitlist, complete the Waitlist Reply Form in your application status portal. Adding yourself to the waitlist is not binding; you will not be required to accept should you be offered admission from the waitlist. However, only those who request to be added will be offered admission from the waitlist if space becomes available.

Purdue will make final decisions about fall waitlisted students no later than mid-June 2022.

I appreciate your interest in Purdue and regret we are unable to provide the admission decision you hoped for. Please contact the Office of Admissions if you have any questions.


Mitchell W. Warren
Director of Admissions

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If your son applied EA then it would give him an advantage over someone applying RD. This is true for almost any school, but especially Purdue
When we were at an Admitted Students Day about a month ago they stressed that there would be less admits overall this year compared to last.

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My son applied EA and was deferred. He got waitlisted this week. Not counting on getting off the waitlist.

Ahh, I misunderstood. Best of luck to your son.

Hi Norm…did your son get in to Purdue after being deferred? My son has very similar profile to your son and was deferred

Did he get off of the list?