Purdue - Fall 2022 - Deferred from EA

and where is it found?

It’s the top section of the page with the boxes functioning as navigation headers.

I think 4 boxes and change of major is a good sign. Also I’m not sure what the reply form means.

Have any of you gotten a reply from Purdue yet?

This is pretty strange. I have twin sons with similar stats. One of them has 4 boxes today but no “Reply forms” tab. The other still only has 2 boxes today, but does have a “reply forms” tab. They both have “change major” option under the profile and applications tab. No updated decisions yet.

Maybe they are using different computers?

Same computer. Also, when clicking the reply forms tab, there are no forms listed.

lets wish that only 2 tab doesn’t mean reject

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When I Ctrl + U looking at the codes of the website and use ctrl f to search up " accept" Mine came out a strand of code of “accept you offer”, does any one have that


It’s on everyone’s page up top on right. click on admitted students

lol i thought that meant something

just got waitlisted…stupid!

I also got waitlisted, but I think the acceptance rate from the waitlist for Purdue is around 30%, so let’s hope for the best!

Movement off the wait list will depend on this year’s yield. Purdue overenrolled last year and only accepted 13 students off the wait list. The year before it was 90 out of 2740 students.

My advice is to get excited about the schools where you have been accepted.

Purdue doesn’t have a monopoly on great education ; )

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It may actually be higher this year. I got the sense they overcommitted to early action the last 2 years and then used rolling admissions to manage yield in RD. This year it feels like they changed their strategy and we’re less committed in EA and waited until today to give the majority of decisions. Since the decisions were so lumpy I get the sense they will lean on their waiting list significantly this year.

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Is the waitlist major specific or for Purdue as a whole depending on how many students end up enrolling? For instance, if your major department is small, will you have a greater chance of getting off the waitlist possibly?

I would expect the waitlist to be college specific, not necessarily by major, but I don’t know for sure.

Purdue will move to the wait list if they under enrolled. Only time will tell about enrollment predictions.

Good luck!

Didn’t purdue accepted like 2700 out of 5000 waitlist last year? it’s what it said on admission page of cc

That’s not what the common data set shows:

Wait list info is in section C2

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